Knowledge about mollusca all over the world.
Site under construction. New Content: All pages to come in alfabet below
avellana -
burnupi -
canrena var. E
canrena var. N
cubana -
guesti -
isabelleana -
javanicum -
lurida -
melanostoma var E
mozaica -
nucula -
othello -
russa -
sulcata -
unifasciata -
ziczaczonaliszonaria -
spadicea species Bernard, 1984
species Sowerby, 1914 -
species (maheense Reeve, 1855, var?) Kuroda, 1928 -
species conform Natica sagittifera Tinker, 1952 - stellata
Welcome to our website.
We started to create this website because it is very hard to find the documentation we need to find the right names for our seashells.
The major problem is that we could not find a way to know what is published.
So we created this solution, a way to a solution, in fact. I have studied the family Naticidae and there were no books about them. I therefore had to use the books I had to find names and publications.
I was fortunate in that the Nishinomiya Shell Museum published a revision on the Classification of Recent Naticidae in their Bulletin of the Nishinomiya Shell Museum No. 7 in 2011.That was a great source of the knowledge I was looking for.
A second source came from the more famous WoRMS database. It contains the names of many mollusca and it shows the valid opinion of the status of the name: valid or not valid. If it's not valid, they give the valid name. To my confusion, Nishinimiya and WoRMS do not always display the same result.
So we still needed all the publications to find out what was right or wrong. This site shows how I did my documentation.
I used all the information I had to start with every name I found and all the publications I found about that one name. Thanks to my computer, I placed all the text and pictures I found (in the documentation, in a knowledge-literature-listing.)
I created a list of all the names I could find till now and a second list with those names with all the information known. Also a third listing with all the info from my collection.
It is understandable that there are many publications I could not find on the World Wide Web and I could not buy or borrow them. They are viewed in the second listing as empty information and pictures.
By making this site, I hope all visitors will like to use it to check their information and I hope that, if they have literature I have not published, they will share it to make this site more complete.
I hope that this will be a useful aid to finding more pleasure and better results in our beautiful hobby: collecting and studying our beautiful seashells. This includes studying the animal that created it.
The Malacological Society of London
Molluscan Forum
Thursday 17th November 2022
9.00 – 6.30
Flett Lecture Theatre
Natural History Museum, London
This informal, annual, and successful meeting is designed to bring together people starting their research on molluscs, to give them the opportunity to present and discuss their work and to compare notes on methods and problems.
Attendance at the Molluscan Forum is open to all, but presenters should be research students, post-doctoral researchers, undergraduate students starting molluscan projects, and amateurs engaged in substantial projects that have not yet been published. Any topic related to molluscs is acceptable: palaeontological, physiological, behavioural, ecological, systematic, morphological, cellular, or molecular.
Short talks (~12 minutes) or posters may be offered. They need not be polished accounts of completed work; descriptions of new methods, work in progress, and appeals for assistance with unsolved problems are equally acceptable.
With a hybrid format this year we will have two virtual sessions (with limited space) to give those unable to travel to the UK a chance to present their work. Posters will all be presented in person.There is NO registration fee.
Enquiries and registrations to:
Phil Hollyman, British Antarctic Survey (Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.)
Virtual attendance of talk sessions for non-presenters will be possible (poster sessions will be in person), so please indicate whether you will be attending in person or virtually.
Please let us know you will be coming so that we can estimate numbers.
The Malacological Society of London
Molluscan Forum, Thursday 17th November 2022
9.00 – 6.30
Flett Lecture Theatre, Natural History Museum, London
Return before 1st October 2022, by email to:
Phil Hollyman, British Antarctic Survey Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Status: Research Student / Undergraduate / Post-doctoral researcher / amateur (delete as appropriate)
‘Other’ (please state) ………………………..
I wish to give a talk / poster (delete as appropriate) entitled:
I would like to present in person / remotely (talks only). Delete as appropriate.
Please attach, as a Microsoft Word attachment, an abstract of not more than 350 words, TOGETHER WITH TWO .JPG IMAGES IN SUPPORT OF THE ABSTRACT. Abstracts and images of accepted contributions will be published in the Society’s on-line bulletin which is called The Malacologist. The Malacologist has an ISSN number and is published and archived on the website of the MSL.
Posters should be roll-ups or mounted on stiff cards, and should require no more than a 1 metre x 1 metre display area. They will be mounted on boards (velcro supplied).
If you are unable to get financial support from elsewhere (students and amateurs only) and need assistance with travel costs, please enter here the cost of the cheapest possible public transport return fare to London.
Funding is not guaranteed but we endeavour to support as many presenters as possible. Late registrations may miss the opportunity for financial support. The support will be limited, so funding from elsewhere should be sought first. A provisional programme will be sent out late October.
Abstract submission
Abstracts submitted for the Molluscan Forum should be sent as Microsoft Word files.
Abstract submission
Please use the following format:
Title (12pt, centred)
<blank line>
Authors (10 pt, centred, presenting author underlined; use superscript numbers to indicate institutional affiliation)
<blank line>
Institutions (10pt, centred; in this order: Number (superscript), Department, Institution, City, Country)
Presenting Author email
<blank line>
Abstract (11pt, no indentation, justified, 350 words maximum)
The Geographic Scale of Speciation in Stramonita (Neogastropoda: Muricidae)
Martine Claremont1,2, Suzanne T. Williams1, Timothy G. Barraclough2, and David G. Reid1
1Department of Zoology, Natural History Museum, London, UK
2Department of Biology, Imperial College London, Berkshire, UK
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Stramonita is a relatively small, well-defined genus of muricid marine gastropods limited to the tropical Eastern Pacific and the Atlantic. The type species, S. haemastoma, is known to have teleplanic larvae and is estimated to remain in the water column for several weeks. Stramonita haemastoma shows regional variation, and this has led to the recognition of five geographical subspecies: S. h. haemastoma, from the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic to Brazil, S. h. floridiana, on the east coast of Florida and in the Eastern Caribbean, S. h. caniculata on the west coast of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, S. h. rustica in the Western Caribbean and S. h. biserialis in the Eastern Pacific. The protoconch has been shown to be similar across the S. haemastoma complex, implying that all subspecies have equally long lived larvae. Within these subspecies, cryptic variation is suspected. For example, S. h. biserialis is suggested to be differentiated North/South on a small scale. In the presence of teleplanic larvae, speciation on such a small scale seems paradoxical. Various explanations for this paradox are possible. Actual (or realized) dispersal of Stramonita species may be more limited than presently believed, leading to allopatric differentiation. Alternatively, morphological differentiation may not be a reliable indicator of genetic differentiation, and S. haemastoma (sensu lato) might indeed prove to be a single taxa. It is also possible that ecological speciation could result in geographical speciation on a small scale in the presence of wide dispersal. My results suggest that five species of Stramonita are present in the Caribbean, at least three of which occur sympatrically. Gene flow is maintained between Caribbean and Mediterranean populations in at least one species, while no genetic differentiation was found along the Eastern Pacific coast. The implications of these results are discussed.
Cambridge, 2023 We are pleased to announce the forthcoming conference focused solely on bivalved molluscs, to be held from 5th - 8th September, 2023, at the University of Cambridge (UK). This is intended as a successor to the previous bivalve meetings that took place in London (1977), Drumheller (1995), Cambridge (1999) and Barcelona (2006). Our aim is to host a relaxed, open in-person meeting to carry on this tradition of convivial review of all aspects of current bivalve research (living and fossil).
We envisage a single session programme of talks, posters and social events. We are exploring the possibility of a resulting publication depending upon interest. It is our aim to make the meeting accessible and we expect registration fees to be in the order of £110 (students £75). The Conference Banquet will be additional. The Meeting and Banquet on the final evening will be held at Gonville and Caius College right in the heart of the historic university city. An opening reception will be held in the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences on the evening of 5th September. A second circular will be distributed in early 2023, giving full details of registration, advice about accommodation (some may be available in the college) and abstract submissions. Final registration will be in June, 2023. However, offers of talks, posters and possible interest in publication are welcome now (but with no final commitment) to be sent to Liz Harper There is a maximum of 100 participants. This early circular may provide an opportunity to apply for travel grants. We draw the attention of students and early career researchers to the Malacological Society of London Travel grants (to both members and non-members) which have a deadline of 1st March, 2023. See: Travel Grants - The Malacological Society of London (malacsoc.org.uk)
Please feel free to pass this First Circular onto interested colleagues and students.
Liz Harper (University of Cambridge), John Taylor, Emily Glover & Katie Collins (The Natural History Museum, London)
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Invitation to Molluscs 2022 - triennial meeting of the Malacological Society of Australasia
We are pleased to announce that the upcoming ‘Molluscs 2022’ conference (28th November – 1st December 2022, Gold Coast, Australia) will now be offered in hybrid format. We have an excellent line-up of keynote and symposia presentations, and are excited at the opportunity to extend the program to a wider audience.
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Symposia include: Biochemistry and physiology |
The abstract submission deadline (for both virtual and in-person presentations) is 31st of October, 2022; virtual registrations will remain open up to the conference date. For additional information please see the attached flyer, visit our website at http://www.malsocaus.org/?page_id=1197, or contact Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..
Dr. Carmel McDougall, Conference Chair and President of the Malacological Society of Australasia
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• 28th November – 1st December, 2022
• Gold Coast, Qld, Australia + Virtual Conference themes:
• Biochemistry and Physiology
• Ecology and Evolution
• Systematics and Taxonomy
• Conservation and Management
• Aquaculture and Fisheries
• Freshwater Molluscs
• Environmental Challenges
Conference Dinner:
• Sea World, with pre-dinner Sea Jellies Illuminated tour
Field trips:
• Cook Island scuba dive/snorkel tour
• Tamborine Mountain terrestrial mollusc tour
Abstract submission:
• Abstract submission deadline closes October 31, 2022
Organising committee:
Carmel McDougall, Kirsten Benkendorff,
Lisa Kirkendale, Priscila Salloum,
Marina Richardson,
Kate Summer,
Nikolina Nenadic
Keynote speakers (additional TBA):
A. Prof. Melanie Bishop
(Macquarie Univ.)
Prof. Cynthia Riginos
(Univ. of QLD)
Dr. Kara Layton
(Univ. of Aberdeen)
Prof. Jan Strugnell
(James Cook Univ.)
Dr. Suzanne Williams
(NHM London)
A PostDoc position available for 12 months in the lab of Prof. Dr. Christian Albrecht at the Justus Liebig University Giessen in Germany.
Job advert (in German only): https://www.uni-giessen.de/karriere/stellenangebote/ausschreibungen/wissenschaftliche-mitarbeiter/644-08
If you are interested (or know a candidate who might be interested) in Lake Tanganyika's fascinating molluscs and the application of soft-tissue as well as shell proteomics on both recent and subfossil specimens, then you can apply here using the university's online form (https://www.uni-giessen.de/karriere/stellenangebote/bewerbung) with the reference code 644/08. Alternatively, you send an Email directly to Christian Albrecht for your application and further details: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Your tasks:
- Data generation and analysis using existing sample material as part of a DFG-funded research project on the biodiversity and evolution of molluscs in Lake Tanganyika
- Establishment of a new integrated analytical approach using proteomic fingerprinting, shell paleoproteomics, DNA barcoding and biodiversity modeling
Your qualifications and skills:
- Completed university degree in science and a relevant completed PhD in biology or chemistry
- Knowledge of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)
- Good statistical skills, experience in the use of R or Phyton
- Interest in evolutionary biology is advantageous
Our offer to you:
- Work in an international and dynamic team
- A diversified job with flexible working hours
- Free use of public transport (LandesTicket Hessen)
- More than 100 seminars, workshops, and e-learning opportunities per year for personal development, as well as a wide range of health and sports programs
- Remuneration according to TV-H 13 (c. 2,500 Euros per month), company pension plan, child allowance and special payments
Best wishes
Björn Stelbrink, on behalf of Christian Albrecht
Dr. Björn Stelbrink
Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science
Invalidenstr. 43
10115 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 30 889140 8514
Fax: +49 (0) 30 889140 8868
Email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bjoern_Stelbrink
Museum Specialist position at the AMNH American Museum of Natural History
Invertebrate Zoology - 011
Position Summary
The Museum Specialist will assist in the care of the AMNH’s collections of Mollusca. The Museum Specialist duties include: Assistance with ongoing curation and collection organization; preparation, sorting and identification of specimens; fulfilling loans and collection inquiries; updating loan databases, submitting USFWS forms, accession records; receiving, assisting, and monitoring visiting scientists using collections; some specimen photography. Opportunities for assisting on field work, attending professional meetings and field courses available when appropriate.
The expected salary for the Museum Specialist is $42,970. This position is overtime eligible and the AMNH offers an extensive benefits package designed to meet the needs of our dedicated and diverse community.
Pay will be determined based on several factors. The hiring range for the position at commencement is based on the type of work and the scope of responsibilities. The salary and placement offered is based on a number of individualized factors, including, but not limited to, skills, knowledge, training, education, credentials, areas of specialization and depth and scope of experience.
Required Qualifications
BA required, degree in Biology, Zoology, Invertebrate Zoology desired.
Preferred Qualifications
Good organizational skills and attention to details.
Databasing experience, fine manual dexterity skills.
Good command of MS Word and Excel are preferred.
Knowledge of taxonomic nomenclature a plus and experience with genetic and morphological data beneficial.
Experience with genetic and morphological data would be very beneficial. Previous experience with phylogenetics would be very helpful.
Physical Demands
Category Full-Time
Total Number of Scheduled Hours Per Pay Period 70
Union Status Union
FLSA Non-Exempt
Expected Salary Minimum $42,970/annual
Expected Salary Maximum $42,970/annual
EEO Statement
The American Museum of Natural History is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. The Museum does not discriminate with respect to employment, or admission or access to Museum facilities, programs or activities on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, marital status, partnership status, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, pregnancy, alienage or citizenship status, current or former participation in the uniformed services, status as a veteran, or national or ethnic origin, or on account of any other basis prohibited by applicable City, State, or Federal law. Additional protections are afforded in employment based on arrest or conviction record, status as a victim of domestic violence, stalking and sex offenses, unemployment status, and credit history, in each case to the extent provided by law. If special accommodations are needed in applying for a position, please call the Office of Human Resources.
Quick Link
Deadline for the next issue of Tentacle

Passing of Alan Kohn
Dear All,
I am sharing the sad news that Alan Kohn died peacefully in Seattle at the age of 91. Alan was one of the most gentle, kind, and supportive scientists and touched many lives over his long life and career working on cones, mollusks, coral reefs and ecology.
Alan’s PhD was one of the first tests of Hutchinson’s niche concept on Hawaiian cones that led to a lifelong passion for what he often referred to as the most diverse invertebrate genus. He revised the early nomenclature of cones, created guides to Indo-Pacific and Atlantic species, and published widely on many aspects of their biology. He was an amazing naturalist, broadly knowledgeable about mollusks, other invertebrates, birds, and all living things. He shared this passion with his late wife, Marian Adachi Kohn, with whom they were gracious and ever-welcoming hosts in their home and large garden, where visits invariably involved observations and discussions about life around us, the slugs, terrestrial nemerteans, plants and birds there that kept them company.
His passion for the living world, encyclopedic knowledge, supportive nature, and dedication to mentoring has guided many into appreciating and working on invertebrates, marine life, systematics, and ecology. Over his long career AJK mentored a large number of grad students and a constant stream of undergraduates who pursued research in his lab and often ended up pursuing careers in the field. He was supportive and helpful to the malacological and marine science communities around the world, offering help and support to institutions throughout the world and corresponding and sharing his knowledge and puns. His favorite tool, I think was a diffuser for photography that he named Kohn’s cone cone.
Alan spent most of his career at the University of Washington, where over the span of more than 60 years in the Dept of Zoology/Biology, frequently taught at the Friday Harbor Labs and was adjunct curator at the Burke Museum. Alan visited most major mollusk collections in the world and deeply appreciated their importance. He bequeathed their family home, together with Sievert Rohwer, to endow a curatorial position at the Burke. Alan worked regularly in his office as emeritus until the last two years and his impact lives on. He will be missed.
Gustav Paulay
Florida Museum of Natural History
University of Florida
Gainesville FL 32611-7800 USA
Broadening Access Membership Scheme The Malacological Society of London
We are excited to launch a new initiative to help support more postgraduate students from developing economies in their malacological studies.
We are offering 10 postgraduate students each year free membership to The Malacological Society of London for a period of 3 years under the new Broadening Access Membership Scheme (BAMS).
Students who are studying a postgraduate malacology-related course in countries designated ‘developing economies’ (WESP2019_BOOK-ANNEX-en.pdf (un.org) ) are invited to apply for this award with the support of their supervisor. Applications are open immediately and will close when all 10 memberships have been allocated. Membership of the first round starts on 1st January 2023 and ends on 31st December 2025.
More details can be found here.
Continental shelf ecosystems through time - EGU23 session
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to submit an abstract to the EGU23 session SSP1.12 “Continental shelf ecosystems through time”. We would be happy to receive contributions on molluscs and their deep-time ecology. The meeting will take place April 23-28, 2023.
Support for attending the meeting is available for early-career scientists through the Roland Schlich Travel Support and Abstract Processing Charge refund. Abstract submission is open, participants should submit an abstract by 1 December 2022, 13:00 CET.
More information on support and waivers: https://egu23.eu/guidelines/supports_and_waivers.html
Session SSP1.12 details: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/45107
With best regards,
The session conveners
Danae Thivaiou
PhD Molluscan Palaeobiology
MSc Systematics, Evolution, Palaeontology
University of Athens, Department of Geology
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Knowledge about mollusca all over the world.
The use of this page is free.
We ask you to comment to improve the site.
We will never collect personal information.
You are welcome.
You are invited to the 27th meeting of
the Southern California Unified Malacologists. Feb4 - SCUMXXVIICharlotte Seid, of UCSD, and I are pleased to invite you to SCUM XXVII! The meeting will be held February 4th, 2023 at the City of San Diego Environmental Monitoring Lab. More details to come. At this time, we are having an in-person meeting. Remote attendance possibilities are TBD. Stand by for more info and have a wonderful, safe end to the year.
Wendy Enright
Marine Biologist III
City of San Diego
Public Utilities Department
WHEN: February 4th, 2023 9AM – 3PM
WHERE: 2392 Kincaid Rd, San Diego, CA 92101
Parking is free with Lab-issued permit!
More info to come…
Please RSVP to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
and Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. with your info:
TITLE (“TBD” is acceptable ??)
Job Announcement: UTEP Biological Sciences Department Chair Search
The University of Texas at El Paso
College of Science
Department Chair of Biological Sciences
Job position: The College of Science at The University of Texas at El Paso is seeking an innovative leader to serve as Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences. The Chair will join a cross-disciplinary, collaborative, growing department with research activities spanning diverse areas of biology with significant programmatic strengths in ecology and evolutionary biology, and biomedical sciences. The successful candidate is expected to be an effective leader and active researcher with a strong vision for developing and strengthening educational programs and research initiatives across the Department. Applicants must have a distinguished scientific record, demonstrated leadership skills, relevant administrative experience, and a commitment to the education and mentorship of students and faculty. The Department is especially interested in candidates with experience serving underserved groups and who will contribute to the diversity and excellence mission of the University.
About the department
The Department of Biological Sciences has nearly 3,000 undergraduate majors, 130 graduate students in departmental programs, 42 faculty members and annual research expenditures exceeding $13M in fiscal year 2022. Faculty receive extramural funding from federal and state programs, private foundations, and industry. The Department is housed in a 102,000 sq ft. Bioscience Research building connected to a 73,800 sq ft. Biology building. Departmental resources include core facilities with capacities for biomolecule analysis, cytometry, and genomic analysis; natural history collections with over 600,000 specimens; and a 38,000-acre field station. The department offers a BA, five BS, one MS, and two PhD degrees. Faculty also contribute to interdisciplinary programs, including Environmental Science, Environmental Science and Engineering, Bioinformatics, and Forensic Science. For more information about the Department, please visit https://www.utep.edu/science/biology/.
Required Qualifications
PhD in a discipline appropriate for the Department of Biological Sciences
Current academic rank of tenured associate or full professor (or equivalent non-US rank)
Demonstrated leadership skills
Excellent management skills
Distinguished record of research and teaching
Application Instructions and Contact Information
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, contact information for 5 references, and a letter of interest addressing experience with, and contributions to research, education, administration, leadership, and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Applications that are not complete will not be considered until they are complete.
Applicants are encouraged to apply by December 21, 2022. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.
Questions about this position should be directed to Search Committee co-Chairs; Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
About the University of Texas at El Paso
The University of Texas at El Paso has successfully integrated student access and research excellence missions to become a leading Hispanic-serving university. The University is a Carnegie R1 and Community Engaged research university located in one of the largest binational communities in the world. Eighty-four percent of our students are Hispanic, and more than half of undergraduates are the first in their families to go to college. The University enrolls more than 24,000 students, and offers 170 bachelors, masters and doctoral degree programs.
About El Paso
El Paso is a highly livable, bicultural community of more than 800,000 people that offers affordable homes and attractive neighborhoods. It has been repeatedly named among the safest large U.S. cities and is one of the largest bilingual, binational, multicultural communities in the Western Hemisphere. El Paso experiences almost 300 days of sunshine annually, and residents enjoy outdoor activities year-round.
Additional Information
Hiring decisions are contingent on budget approval.
In keeping with its Access and Excellence mission, The University of Texas at El Paso is committed to an open, diverse, and inclusive learning and working environment that honors the talents, respects the differences, and nurtures the growth and development of all. We seek to attract faculty and staff who share our commitment.
The University of Texas at El Paso is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity in employment or the provision of services in accordance with state and federal law. Discrimination on the basis of sex includes an employee's or prospective employee's right to be free from sexual harassment under Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972.
For accommodation information for employees and applicants with disabilities, please contact Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
To apply, please visit https://utep.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp?JOBID=156575
Shell Show Antwerp (Edegem) 20‐21 May 2023
Beste standhouders,
Een nieuw jaar, dus ook een nieuwe schelpenbeurs in Kaenbroek, Edegem. Dit jaar zal deze opnieuw
doorgaan op ons vertrouwde derde weekend van de maand mei (20‐21 mei, met mogelijkheid op te
bouwen op vrijdagnamiddag 19 mei vanaf ca 16 uur). U kan vanaf nu inschrijven via bjjgevoegd formulier
Wij kijken er alvast naar uit jullie opnieuw te mogen verwelkomen!
Indien u vragen hebt, aarzel niet me te contacteren,
Met vriendelijke groeten,
namens het bestuur van Kon. BVC
Malacological Society of London membership
Dear Malacologists,
On behalf of the Malacological Society of London I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and to invite to you to consider joining the society if you are currently not a member.
The Malacological Society of London is dedicated to the advancement of research and education on molluscs. It is an international organization based in London, UK, and welcomes as members all who are interested in the scientific study of molluscs.
Benefits of joining the society include:
Online access to the Journal of Molluscan Studies including all back issues dating back to 1893
Electronic delivery of Society’s bulletin, The Malacologist
Increased value for Student travel grants and eligibility for Senior Research Grants
Access to the Radley Library at University College London
Current Subscription rates are £45 for Ordinary Members and £25 for Student Members. Membership subscriptions are valid from 1st January for a single calendar year.
For more information please see the society’s website https://malacsoc.org.uk/ or please feel free to contact me or membership secretary Harriet Wood for further details. Alternatively, new members can go directly to the Membership Form to create an account and make their subscription payment for 2023: Membership Form - The Malacological Society of London (malacsoc.org.uk)
President: Jon Ablett (Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.)
Membership Secretary: Harriet Wood (Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.)
We look forward to welcoming you to the Society.
Many thanks,
Jon Ablett
President of the Malacological Society of London
Call for PhD students in Snail Taxonomy, Genomics, and Host:Parasite Interactions
See: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/cracking-the-code-of-snails-to-elucidate-parasite-disease-transmission/?p152689
Want to help resolve the taxonomy of Australian freshwater snails and assess their ability to transmit parasites to Australian livestock?
Interested in field work and using cutting-edge tools to study phylogenetics, genomics and transcriptomic responses to parasitic infection?
The Parasitology Group at the University of Melbourne is recruiting PhD students to investigate the role of snails as vectors of parasites of socioeconomic importance. In Australia, a disease caused by liver flukes causes major economic losses to livestock production. The role of Australian pond snails as intermediate hosts for this parasite is poorly understood and we aim to explore the phylogeography, biology and genomics of these snails.
PhD students will be given the opportunity to contribute to the taxonomic revision of aquatic snails and their parasites, defining the complete genomes of key representative snail genotypes and/or using transcriptomics to elucidate the molecular interactions between a snail host and a parasite. Expected outcomes from this project are the creation of novel molecular resources for important snail species and to verify their roles as key vectors of flatworm parasites.
The projects are funded through the Australian Research Council, and PhD scholars will be advised by Drs Neil Young, Anson Koehler, Bonnie Webster (Natural History Museum, London), Winston Ponder (Australian Museum, Sydney) and members of the Parasitology Group within the Faculty of Science at The University of Melbourne. The project will be based at the Melbourne Veterinary School at the Parkville campus and in the heart of Melbourne’s biomedical precinct.
To be eligible, applicants must have experience that aligns with one or more of the stated aims (see above). Skills or interest in phylogenetics, malacology, genomics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics, statistical analyses, and/or aquatic invertebrate animal husbandry are all an advantage. Post Graduate Research Scholarships for stipends are available through University of Melbourne, for which the applicant will need to apply separately. Scholarship applications are competitive – applicants should have first-class Honours, Master’s by research (1 year full-time) or equivalent and an excellent academic record. Peer reviewed publications are beneficial.
You can find out more about Parasitology at The University of Melbourne by visiting: https://fvas.unimelb.edu.au/research/groups/parasitology#about.
Please submit a CV, cover letter, transcripts, and contact information for two referees to Dr Neil Young, Faculty of Science, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, AUSTRALIA T: +61 (03) 9731 2330 E: nyoung at unimelb.edu.au
Antiquariaat Schierenberg >> Darwin, Leibniz, Pasteur, Gesner, Humboldt, Mucha and more
Dear clients and friends,
Have a look at our new book fair catalogue for the 55th California International Antiquarian Book Fair, held at the Pasadena Convention Center, 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA from February 10 - 12, 2023
Many items are recent acquisitions in fields like zoology (birds, reptiles, etc.), science, mathematics, travel and illustrated art (notably Art Nouveau and Art Deco), from various sources.
Direct link to our fair catalogue:
Among the highlights are these five true first editions: one of Darwin's fundamental researches on plants, Alexander von Humboldt's Ueber die Hochebene von Bogota, with a handwritten dedication by the author, The beginning of bacteriology as a science by Louis Pasteur, Patrizi's Della nuova geometria and Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur, boxed.
Among the other highlights: Gesner's Icones avivm omnivm first edition in original hand-colouring, Leibniz's Explication de l’arithmètique binaire (the start of the binary system), Deyrolle's ultra-rare Illustrations zoologiques, a fine copy of Horsfield's Zoological researches in Java, Schlegel's even rarer Abbildungen neuer oder unvollständig bekannter Amphibien; also, rare American illustrations by Napoleon Bonaparte's niece, Charlotte, and much, much more…
All are surely worth seeing, and we hope that several are in your field of interest.
We look forward seeing you in our Booth #512
Team Schierenberg
Jeronimus Schierenberg
Marien Faber
Arjen Stada
Daniël Schierenberg
Evelyne Castéran-Stada
Some Highlights
Bill, M.
Gesner, C.
Kotzebue, O. von
Raskin, E. H.
Bonaparte, C. N.
Humboldt, F. A. von
Mucha, A. M.
Séguy, É. A.
Copyright © 2023 Antiquariaat Schierenberg, All rights reserved.
We send these lists occasionally.
Our mailing address is:
Antiquariaat Schierenberg
Zamenhofstraat 150 unit 320
Amsterdam, 1022 AG
2400 Years of Malacology
We are pleased to report that the 20th edition of “2,400 Years of Malacology” (January 2023) is now on the website of the American Malacological Society:
This is a comprehensive catalog of biographical and bibliographical publications on numerous individuals with an interest in molluscs, from Aristotle through the present. It also has separate appendices listing publications on expeditions, museums, malacological societies, and malacological journals and newsletters. Three separate annexes provide collations for numerous malacological journals and multi-volume books.
This online publication began in 2004 with 612 pages. Over the next two decades, it has more than tripled to 2,006 pages (in the main file) with another 272 pages for the three collations files.
We have also posted an updated edition of the “Annotated Catalog of Malacological Meetings, Including Symposia and Workshops in Malacology.” This lists the molluscan symposia and workshops that have been held at malacological and generalist meetings over the past eight decades, together with their resulting publications. Particularly detailed emphasis is given to the meetings of Unitas Malacologica, the American Malacological Union/Society, and the Western Society of Malacologists. This was originally published in the American Malacological Bulletin in 2007, and has been significantly updated since then. It is online at: https://ams.wildapricot.org/More-Publications
As before, we thank the numerous individuals who have provided us with information and corrections over the years. We also appreciate AMS for hosting these publications.
--Gene Coan and Alan Kabat
Senckenberg Global Fellowships deadline
Dear colleagues,
I would like to raise your attention to our Senckenberg Global Fellowships as the deadline is approaching already (1.3.).
Please check for more details here
and below.
You will find our Flyer regarding the Senckenberg Global Fellowships: Frontiers in Nature Research and Conservation in the attachment. Looking forward to many interesting applications, ANGELIKA BRANDT
Senckenberg Global Fellowships:
Frontiers in Nature Research and Conservation
Senckenberg offers fellowships to highly motivated and talented early career scientists (doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers) from the Global South[1]. Fellowships are offered for a 3-month period (in selected cases up to six months) to establish and/or strengthen collaboration with scientific staff at Senckenberg. Early career scientists residing in Germany are not eligible to apply, independent of their nationality.
Would you like to expand your expertise and experience in nature research and conservation? Are you highly motivated to put your innovative research ideas into action? Are you keen on working abroad to engage with an interdisciplinary team of scientists dedicated to advance Earth system science? Or are you looking for unique research facilities that help to address emerging questions for the benefit of nature?
We cordially invite you to apply for a fellowship at Senckenberg, where you will find stimulating working conditions, excellent infrastructure, and open-minded colleagues with a wide range of backgrounds in biodiversity, anthropology, geology, collection-based research, or conservation ecology. The working language at Senckenberg is English.
The Senckenberg Research Institutes support equal opportunities for all genders and place an emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women and under-represented groups. Qualified women and other under-represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preference.
Senckenberg is an institution of the Leibniz Association that has been exploring the Earth system for over 200 years. Senckenberg investigates the Earth’s past, its present state, and develops scenarios for the future. The study of geobiodiversity aims at understanding nature with its almost infinite diversity, so we can use it sustainably and preserve it as a basis of well-being for future generations. With more than 41 million objects, Senckenberg holds one of the world’s largest scientific collections. In addition, Senckenberg communicates research results in a variety of ways, especially through its three research museums in Frankfurt, Görlitz, and Dresden. These museums are places of learning and wonder, and they serve as open platforms for democratic dialogue – inclusive, participatory, and international. More information at www.senckenberg.de.
About the fellowship program
Regular application deadlines are 1 March and 1 October each year. We offer fellowship positions to doctoral (1600 €/mo) or postdoctoral scientists (2700 €/mo) for 3 months, in selected cases for up to 6 months. These fellowships are intended as an opportunity to join Senckenberg, to develop and implement original research ideas, interact with staff and students at Senckenberg, and apply for follow-up funding. Senckenberg provides excellent infrastructure through laboratory and field facilities for interdisciplinary research, large-scale experimental facilities as well as long-term research programs. We offer a one-time travel allowance (up to 1200 €) in addition to the fellowship.
Requirements and first contact
Applicants must hold a master or doctoral degree in one of the research domains at Senckenberg. Before submitting your application, please identify and contact a host at Senckenberg and jointly develop a brief concept on how you will spend your time at Senckenberg. The following links to Senckenberg Institutes may help you identify suitable hosts to pursue your ideas: https://www.senckenberg.de/en/institutes/
Required documents
● Your CV, including a complete list of publications
● Certificate of your master or doctoral degree
● A motivation letter indicating your research interests and experience (max. 1 page)
● Your ideas for research to be conducted at Senckenberg, outlining your aims and proposed activities (max. 1 page)
● A letter of support by your host(s) at Senckenberg, including appreciation for you and your proposed work, (the proposed work) complements the expertise of the host group, and how it provides added value (max. 1 page)
● Optional: recommendation letter(s), if regarded useful by the host.
Application and selection process
Submission of the documents is only possible through the Senckenberg host. The selection for the positions is highly competitive. The following evaluation criteria are applied:
● Scientific potential to reach the aims of the proposal
● Scientific excellence of the proposed work
● Prospects of developing a follow-up project to acquire additional funds
A selection committee will recommend the most promising applications to the Senckenberg Board of Directors. The awardees will be notified no later than eight weeks after the application deadline.
> --
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Head of Department Marine Zoology
Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum
Professor at the Goethe University in Frankfurt
Mail: above | Tel.: +49(0) 69 7542 1240
Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung(Rechtsfähiger Verein gemäß § 22 BGB)
Senckenberganlage 25
60325 Frankfurt
Direktorium: Prof. Dr. Klement Tockner, Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt, Dr. Martin Mittelbach, Prof. Dr. Andreas Mulch, Prof. Dr. Karsten Wesche
President: Dr. h.c. Beate Heraeus
Supervisory authority: Municipal administration of the City of Frankfurt am Main(Office of Public Order)
Member of the Leibniz Association
SGN_Global-Fellowships_Flyer_small.pdf 2,4 MB
Chama pellucida ‐ specimen request for destructive sampling
Dear colleagues
Erike Griesshaber (in cc) is looking for a shell specimen of Chama pellucida suitable for destructive sampling. They are looking at shell microstructure and crystal orientation patterns, and already have comparative data for other Chama spp. The collections in Frankfurt and Berlin have no "no data" specimens and are therefore hesitant to sacrifice a specimen, although the project is interesting and worthy. If you have a suitable shell, could you please contact her directly?
Best wishes,
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Permanent position in Marine Biology - macroorganisms
Dear all,
Please share !! We open a permanent professorship (assistant/associate/or full professor level) in Marine Biology at my
Department – invertebrate ecologists are most welcome!
Feel free to contact me for more info
Best regards
Katrine Worsaae
Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department
University of Copenhagen
Department of Biology
Marine Biological Section
Universitetsparken 4, 1. floor
DK-2100 Copenhagen O
MOB +45 41230073
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Homepage: Worsaae lab
Chama pellucida ‐ specimen request for destructive sampling discussion
I would argue against using "no data" shells. They can be harder to identify, since they don't have a context. Destructive sampling also does not mean the entire specimen is destroyed. ANSP often retain pieces as vouchers when destructive sampling is done. Another possibility: if there are multiple specimens in a lot, the others can serve as vouchers for one destroyed.
I'm responding to the list because the US National Science Foundation is considering adding a requirement for a "Specimen Management Plan" in grant proposals, similar to the current requirement for a data management plan. This was recommended in the US National Academy of Sciences report on Biological Collections from 2020. AIBS recently had a webinar on the subject: https://bcon.aibs.org/events/list/?tribe_paged=1&tribe_event_display=past&tribe-bar-date=2023-02-16&tribe-bar-search=specimen%20management
Best wishes,
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89th American Malacological Society meeting 1-5 August 2023 in Tuscaloosa, AL
Dear colleagues,
I’m writing to advertise the 89th American Malacological Society meeting (https://ams.wildapricot.org/AMS_2023), which will take place from 1-5 August 2023 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama at the University of Alabama and the Alabama Museum of Natural History. Discounted early-bird registration is offered for some ticket types until 30 April (e.g., $225 for full members and $125 for student members). The deadline to register for the meeting and submit abstracts for posters and talks is 23 June. Virtual attendance of presentations and other events is also being offered – see below.
The meeting will open the evening of 1 August with a welcome reception in the Grand Gallery of the Alabama Museum of Natural History. The topic of the President's Symposium (2 August) will be “Freshwater Mollusk Diversity in a Biodiversity Hotspot.” This symposium is organized by Dr. Carla Atkinson (University of Alabama) and confirmed speakers include Dr. Art Bogan (North Carolina Museum of Natural History), Dr. Alexa Maine (Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation; CTUIR), Dr. Dave Strayer (Cary Institute), Dr. Ellen Strong (Smithsonian Institution), Dr. Caryn Vaughn (University of Oklahoma), and Dr. Nathan Whelan (Auburn University and USFWS). Contributed oral presentations (3-4 August) and posters (evening of 2 August) are expected to span diverse sub-disciplines of malacology with work on molluscan genomics, phylogenetics, and freshwater molluscan ecology expected to be particularly well-represented.
Student-centered events will include a student mixer at Black Warrior Brewing Company (after the poster session on 3 August) and a student-mentor networking program. The meeting will also include a panel discussion on inclusive fieldwork hosted by the Society’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee (during lunch on 3 August). Panelists will discuss ways for research teams to integrate principles of inclusion into fieldwork planning, navigate issues that arise in the field, and effectively debrief post-fieldwork. Topics covered may include reproductive functions (e.g. menstruation, pregnancy, lactation), mobility constraints and disability, race and nationality, harassment and discrimination prevention and response, and audience questions. This panel is aimed at malacologists of all career stages.
We will be holding the annual AMS Auction (on 3 August) to support student participation in malacology. Please consider donating items to be auctioned off. Items submitted for auction can be anything mollusc-related (e.g., books, art, trinkets, etc.) but cannot include shells or other specimens. Items for auction could also include services. Please contact Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. if you wish to contribute.
The meeting will close with a banquet and awards ceremony in the Grand Gallery of the Alabama Museum of Natural History (on the evening of 4 August). The banquet is free for students and $50 for others. Attendance is limited to 125 and is first-come, first-serve (so register early!).
An optional field trip (on 5 August) will allow participants an opportunity to see some of Alabama’s 204 species of freshwater snails and 180 species of freshwater mussels. Attendance is limited and is first-come, first-serve. You will get wet on this ride.
In the interest of inclusivity, all oral presentations will be streamed live to the web for viewing by remote participants who are unable to attend the meeting in-person. Registration costs for remote participants will be $25 to support the costs of equipment rental and tech support. Please note: only in-person presentations will be possible and events other than oral presentations and the JEDI panel will not be live-streamed.
Whether or not you choose to attend this year's AMS meeting, please consider participating in a voluntary anonymous survey to gather information about the barriers that may be preventing malacologists from fully participating in the AMS, including joining the Society, renewing membership, and attending annual meetings (https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eyXRn87znx44HOK). We also want to understand how these barriers intersect with factors like career stage, identity axes, and other Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) areas of interest.
For more information, please visit the AMS website: https://ams.wildapricot.org/AMS_2023
Kevin Kocot
Kevin M. Kocot
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
Curator of Invertebrate Zoology, Alabama Museum of Natural History
The University of Alabama
307 Mary Harmon Bryant Hall
Campus Box 870344
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Phone: 205-348-4052 | Fax: 205-348-4039
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PhD Position open at the Natural History Museum of Bergen
I have a PhD position open on systematics and evolution of gastropods with deadline for applications April 28th.
If you are interested or know about someone possibly interested, please spread the word!
See announcement below:
Best wishes,
Manuel Malaquias
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Professor in Invertebrate Systematics
Curator of Mollusca
Department of Natural History
University Museum of Bergen
University of Bergen
PB7800 5020 Bergen, Norway
Associate editor:
Journal of Molluscan Studies http://mollus.oxfordjournals.org
Invertebrate Systematics https://www.publish.csiro.au/is
Journal of Conchology http://www.conchsoc.org/journal
Dear All,
You may have heard about the project to delocalise part of the MNHN collections from Paris to Dijon (300 km away!). If like us, for the reasons detailed in the attached document, you do not agree with this decision, please sign the petition:
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
More details and history in pdf-file.
All the best,
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An email address to share your feelings and ideas for action: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Conchyliologie VZW
32 schelpenbeurs antwerpen
20 – 21 Mei 2023 Verkeersproblemen
Beste leden,
Nog een tweetal weken en het is weer zover: we zien elkaar dan op onze 32e schelpenbeurs!
Nog even enkele belangrijke zaken voor dan:
1. Mogelijke verkeersproblemen: Gelieve te noteren dat in het weekend van 18-21 mei de Kennedy Tunnel gesloten zal zijn voor alle verkeer komende van Gent via Antwerpen richting Breda (wat ook betekend dat de E19 richting Brussel niet bereikt kan worden via de E17 Gent-Antwerpen en de Antwerpse ring (R2)).
Komend van Gent kan de N16 via Temse en Willebroek richting Mechelen alternatief bieden doch ook daar mag men druk verkeer verwachten. Bij het plannen van uw reis kan u dus best rekening houden met een langere reistijd.
Andere alternatieven zijn Gent-Brussel (E40) en dan E19 richting Antwerpen OF E17 richting Antwerpen en dan Ring Antwerpen noordwaarts (Liefkenshoek Tunnel) en de ring volgen tot aan de aansluiting met de E19 richting Brussel.
Verdere info: https://wegenenverkeer.be/.../kennedytunnel-richting....
2. Er is nog ruimte om deel te nemen aan de André Delsaerdt-award. Ding jij nog graag mee naar het tweede exemplaar ooit? Laat dat dan zeker weten aan iemand van het bestuur.
3. Gloria Maris 61(4) zal op de beurs verspreid worden. Haal zeker jouw nummer op aan de inkom.
4. Kom je nog graag een handje toesteken op vrijdag voor de opbouw of zondag voor de opruim? Laat het ons zeker weten!
Hopelijk massaal tot in Edegem op 20 en 21 mei!
Het bestuur
Friday Harbor Labs Fall Programs
This fall, FHL is offering two programs aimed at upper level undergraduate and postbac students.
Students from all institutions are welcome to apply to these programs. And no matter who you are or where you come from, the tuition and fees for the Pelagic Ecosystem Function Apprenticeship (15 credits) are the same as for University of Washington resident students.
We welcome students from all institutions and walks of life!
More information here: FHL Autumn 2023 Courses
Questions? Contact Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Program on pdf
Call for taxonomy projects to describe deep‐sea species
$20,000 grants to describe deep‐sea species new to science
One Thousand Reasons
The “One Thousand Reasons” campaign opens the door for collaboration on ISA’s commitment to
generate a lasting legacy in deep ocean sciences – the description of at least 1000 species new to science
in areas beyond national jurisdictions by 2030.
The ISA Secretariat is now inviting taxonomic research project proposals from individuals from ISA
Members States, exploration contractors, international and regional organizations and academic or
scientific institutions.
Background to the project
As a model example of concerted global efforts to advance scientific knowledge on deep‐sea ecosystems
and biodiversity in the Area, ISA jointly launched the Sustainable Seabed Knowledge Initiative
(SSKI) with a range of partners in June 2022. This builds on ongoing collaboration with a wide range of
scientific experts.
The overall concept of SSKI lies on fostering and coordinating a global collaborative platform to enhance
deep‐sea biodiversity research and capacity to inform decision‐making processes and ensure effective
protection of the marine environment in areas beyond national jurisdiction, especially in the
international seabed area (the Area).
Submission of proposals
Individuals from ISA Members States, exploration contractors, international and regional organizations
and academic/ scientific institutions are invited to submit proposals for taxonomic research projects that
aim at describing new species from deep‐sea habitats in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Funding will be available for undertaking taxonomic descriptions of deep‐sea species, including access to
biological collections; research facilities; and/or taxonomic expertise. The grant will cover research costs
related to:
Laboratory analysis
Data processing and analysis
Bench fees (consumables, equipment, materials, overhead and institutional fees)
Personnel renumeration
Publication and dissemination
The results of the taxonomic projects are to be published in an open access scientific journal. The
information on newly described species will be included in ISA’s DeepData and WoRMS (World Register
of Marine Species) databases, as appropriate.
Proposals should be submitted using the application form (see sidebar) and must be accompanied by the
applicant’s curriculum vitae and a letter of support from the home and/or host institution. The duration
of the project should not exceed twelve (12) months, including the submission of the manuscript(s) for
publication. A maximum of twenty thousand United States dollars (USD20,000) will be available per
project. Payments will be disbursed using a 70/30% (USD14,000/ USD6,000) payment structure, with
the final payment contingent on the delivery of the manuscript(s) for publication.
Proposals should thoroughly demonstrate the excellence of research results and scientific track record of
the applicant. Project descriptions should reflect a clear methodology and a financial proposal, including
a budget.
Proposals should be sent by 22 July 2023, via email to oemmr‐Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.. Summary
information detailing each of the awarded projects will be made available on the ISA website no later
than 29 September 2023.
Selection of proposals
Project proposals will be assessed by a panel of scientific experts using the following assessment criteria:
Expected outputs
Duration of the project
Research excellence
Scientific track record
Letter of support from host institution
The results of the assessment will be considered by the SSKI Coordinator and WoRMS, who will select the
projects to be awarded.
"Funding will be available for undertaking taxonomic descriptions of deep-sea species, including access to biological collections; research facilities; and/or taxonomic expertise."
Naturally I am happy to support anyone who would like to use this opportunity to do such work in Senckenberg.
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89th American Malacological Society Meeting August 1-5 with virtual attendance option
Dear colleagues,
I’m writing with a reminder about the 89th American Malacological Society meeting, which will take place from 1-5 August 2023 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama at the University of Alabama and the Alabama Museum of Natural History. The deadline to register for the meeting and submit abstracts for posters and talks is 23 June. Virtual attendance of presentations and some other events is also being offered.
Please visit the meeting website for more information:
Kevin M. Kocot
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
Curator of Invertebrate Zoology, Alabama Museum of Natural History
The University of Alabama
307 Mary Harmon Bryant Hall
Campus Box 870344
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Phone: 205-348-4052 | Fax: 205-348-4039
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Due to my own efforts to strike a work-life balance, I sometimes send emails on weekends or evenings. Responses are never expected outside working hours.
Workshop to establish state‐of‐the‐art mollusc genomics ‐ May 2024
Dear friends
Alice Dennis has been successful in getting support from the European Molecular Biology Organization
(EMBO) to host a workshop on molluscan genomics next year, 28‐31 May 2024. The pre‐announcement is
now live and you can add your email address if you want to get direct updates:
Prof. Dr. Julia Sigwart
Head of Section, Malacology
Senckenberg Research Institute and Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
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You can download my book! http://bit.ly/whatspeciesmean
bit.ly/SMFMalacology | @sigwartae
Recruiting graduate students in molluscan systematics for fall 2024
Hi Fellow Malacologists,
Could you please forward this email to your relevant lab members and colleagues? Thanks in advance!
We are currently looking for graduate students to join our team in invertebrate systematics and genomics at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) for fall 2024. At the broadest level, our group applies omics tools to advance understanding of invertebrate diversity and the underlying evolutionary and ecological processes generating this diversity. We have a particular interest in molluscan systems (marine, freshwater and terrestrial) but we welcome candidates with diverse interests. Our current projects include i) resolving the phylogeny of hyperdiverse molluscs and the role of introgression in shaping these patterns, ii) identifying the genomic basis of colour pattern variation in aposematic molluscs, iii) and understanding adaptive capacity and its role in climate change response in endangered molluscs.
Applications are due to the university by the end of the calendar year, but first, students should reach out to me to discuss. When reaching out, please attach a short CV and a few sentences describing your research interests and motivation for pursuing graduate studies. Our group welcomes, supports and encourages diversity in academia. Please don't hesitate to ask how my supervisory approach, and the research group more broadly, can best meet your needs.
We are located in the Department of Biology at UTM but graduate students will be enrolled in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) program that spans all three campuses of UT. The EEB graduate student community is vibrant and diverse and UTM is a beautiful, urban campus surrounded by acres of green space, forest and the Credit River. Students can take advantage of the shuttle bus that runs between the St. George campus (UTSG) and UTM. For more information, please see https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/biology/
I look forward to hearing from you!
Dr. Kara Layton
Incoming Jan 2024:
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
University of Toronto Mississauga
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W: https://www.laytonlab.com/
T: @molluscularDr.
2023-12-31 Deadline for the next issue of Tentacle
To all interested in mollusc conservation:
First, I apologize if you receive this multiple times. I send it to the mollusca listserv, to my Tentacle list, and to the list I have of UNITAS Malacologica members.
I'm sending this message a bit earlier than usual in the hope that I can get as many articles as possible before the 31 December deadline.
The most recent issue (issue 31) of Tentacle appeared in March 2023. I am now inviting submissions for issue 32, which I hope will appear in early 2024.
Tentacle is the Newsletter of the Mollusc Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature). It is distributed exclusively on the internet. All issues are available here: http://www.hawaii.edu/cowielab/Tentacle.htm
Tentacle is a newsletter, not a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. I want news items and summaries of ongoing projects, not data-rich research articles that should be in the peer-reviewed literature. Articles in Tentacle are generally short (one paragraph to a page or two, but a maximum of three printed pages). They are not peer-reviewed. I will edit only minimally for content - most of the editing is to improve/correct the English, especially for contributors who are not native English speakers (but whose contributions I encourage and welcome). I accept most (but not all) articles that are submitted.
I especially encourage you to submit illustrations. I prefer colour illustrations. Please send images as jpg files, preferably at 300 dpi. They will be sized to fit a single column, so please remember this when creating any images, especially with regard to lettering, which must be big enough to be read easily when the illustration is reduced to fit a single column.
The focus is mollusc conservation. So I encourage anyone with anything relevant to mollusc conservation, even in a broad sense, to send me an article, however short, but please link it explicitly to mollusc conservation in some way. Nevertheless, I reserve the right not to accept it if it really does not seem relevant in a broad way to mollusc conservation. New records of invasive species, unless there is an explicit, substantiated relevance to mollusc conservation, will not be accepted (these are better submitted to the journal BioInvasions Records: http://www.reabic.net/journals/bir/). Tentacle is not an invasive species newsletter. I also like to receive citations to recent publications dealing with mollusc conservation, however peripherally, and notices of meetings dealing with molluscs, websites dealing with molluscs, etc., etc.
Guidelines for submission of articles are available in the most recent issue of Tentacle (at the link given above in this message). I am also attaching two files. One shows you how to format your references, and the other is an article from a previous issue of Tentacle that you can use as a template to format your articles (font, spacing, etc - just paste over the text in the template), including figures, tables, etc., but place figures and tables at the end of your article, not embedded within it. Please turn off the automatic "space before paragraph" and "space after paragraph" in MS Word - use "Enter" to create a single line space. Please pay great attention to detail and take great care to do all this correctly - it takes a huge amount of my time to do it if you do not. If I receive articles incorrectly formatted, even in minor ways, I will send them back to you.
Tentacle ref style docx 23-10-17_Tentacle_ref_style.docx
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I am setting 31 December 2023 as the deadline for submissions. Please therefore send things to me as soon as possible.
You can view all previous issues and see the range of topics covered in recent issues at http://www.hawaii.edu/cowielab/Tentacle.htm
I look forward to hearing from many of you. Submission by e-mail is best, preferably using MS Word attachments.
Robert Cowie, Editor
Robert H. Cowie, Ph.D.
Research Professor
Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii
3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 408, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA
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Phone: (808) 956-4909
Lab website: http://www.hawaii.edu/cowielab/
My books:
Journey to a Waterfall – a Biologist in Africa
Samoan Land Snails and Slugs – An Identification Guide
Biology and Management of Invasive Apple Snails
Books on Malacology "Backhuys Biological Books"
Backhuys Biological Books
Dr. Wim Backhuys
Slikweg 6
4321 SV Kerkwerve
The Netherlands
email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Tel: 0111-672975
Dear malacologist,
We hereby send you a new list of books and publications on
You can order by email, telephone or snail mail
001 Adam, W., 1959. Mollusques pléistocènes de la région du lac Albert et de la
Semliki. 150 p., 10 pls, paperbound € 35,00
002 Arnaud, J.P. et al., 2002. Costellariidae et Mitridae de Nouvelle Calédonie. 52
p., 3 text figs, 23 col. pls, A4, stapled (special issue of Xenophora). € 24,00
003 Auclair, A., 1890. Coquilles terestres et fluviatiles du départment de l'Allier.
100 p., 1 plate, wrps. € 24,00
004 Bourguignat, J.-R., 1883. Histoire Malacologique de l'Abyssinie. 162 p., 1 map,
4 plates, Cloth. € 110,00
005 Bourguignat, J.-R., 1862. Malacologie du Lac des Quatre-Cantons et de ses
environs. 72 p., 4 plates, Cloth. € 80,00
006 Bourguignat, J.-R., 1860. Methodus conchyliologicus denominationis. 88 p.,
Cloth. € 80,00
007 Bourguignat, J.-R., 1860. Malacologie terrestre de l'Ile du Chateau d'If près
de Marseille. 36 p., 2 plates, Cloth. € 60,00
008 Bourguignat, J.-R., 1860. Malacologie terrestre et fluviatile de la Bretagne.
179 p., 2 plates, Cloth. € 120,00
009 Binney, A., 1837. The terrestrial air-breathing Mollusks of the United States
and the adjacent territories of North America. Vol. III. Plates. 40 p., 87 hand-
coloured plates. Unbound bookblock. € 160,00
010 Binney, A., 1878. The terrestrial air-breathing Mollusks of the United States
and the adjacent territories of North America. Vol. V. Text only. 439 p., 313
figs, Ubound, back broken. € 60,00
011 Brann, D.C., 1966. Illustrations to "Catalogue of the collection of Mazatlan
Shells" by Philip P. Carpenter. 111 p., 60 plates with hundreds of figs. Paper-
bound. € 26,00
012 Buchner, O., 1913. Einführung in die europäische Meeresmollusken-Fauna an
der Hand ihrer Hauptrepräsentanten. 166 p., 125 figs, 26 pls, Hcloth. € 20,00
013 Burnay, L.P. & A.A. Monteiro, 1977. Seashells from Cape Verde Islands. 88 p.,
22 pls, paperbound. € 16,00
014 Catlow, A., 1845. The Conchologist's Nomenclator. A Catalogue of all the
recent species of shells. viii, 326 p., 1 table. Decorated Cloth. € 45,00
015 Cattaneo, G., 1883. Le Colonie Lineari e la Morfologia dei Molluschi. 424 p.,
15 figs, 2 fold. col. plates, Cloth. € 64.00
016 Chatfield, J.E., 1977. Welsh Seashells. 44 p., 90 photographs, some coloured,
oblong, paperbound. € 16,00
017 Clayton, J.M., 1974. All color book of seashells. 72 p., 100 col. photographs,
4to, Hardbound. € 10,00
018 Crowley, T.E. et al., 1964. A monographic review of the Mollusca of Lake Nyasa.
58 p., 7 pls, 1 folded map, paperbound. € 12,00
019 Dall, W.H., 1921. Summary of the marine shellbearing Mollusks of the northwest
coast of America, from San Diego, California, to the Polar Sea, mostly contained
in the collection of the United States National Museum, with illustrations of
hitherto unfigured species. 217 p., 22 pls, Cloth. € 32,00
020 Dall, W.H., 1902. Illustrations and descriptions of new, unfigured, or imper-
factly known shells, chiefly American, in the U.S. National Museum. 66 p., 14
plates, disbound. € 15,00
021Dance, S.P., 1992. Schelpen. De gids voor het herkennen van meer dan 500
soorten zeeschelpen uit de hele wereld. 256 p., over 600 col. figs, hardbound
(Sesam Natuur Handboeken). € 20,00
022 Dautzenberg, Ph. & P.H. Fischer, 1925. Les Mollusques marins du Finistère et
en particulier de la région de Roscoff. viii, 180 p., 3 figs, paperbound. € 54,00
023 Dautzenberg, Ph., 1909. Contribution à la fauna malacologique de l'Afrique
occidentale. 184 p., 4 plates, disbound. € 28,00
024 Diaz Merlano, J.M. & M. Puyana Hegedus, 1994. Moluscos del Caribe
Colombiano. Un catálogo ilustrado. 291 p., 18 figs, 88 (12 col.) pls, 4to, paper-
bound. € 58,00
025 Drouët, H., 1855. Enumération des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles vivants
de la France continentale. 53 p., wrps. € 38,00
026 Fischer-Piette, E. et al., 1942. Les Mollusques d'Adanson. 274 p., 16 photo-
graphic plates, paperbound. € 60,00
027 Fischer, H., 1892. Recherches sur la morphologie du foie des Gastéropodes.
87 p., 7 plates, paperbound. € 15,00
028 Fischer, P.-H., 1931. Recherches sur la vie ralentie de l'Escargot (Helix
pomatia L.). 189 p., 94 tables, 25 figs, paperbound. € 15,00
029 Fischer, P., 1889. Détermination des régions du globe dont la faune est in-
suffisamment connue. 35 p., wrps. € 10,00
030 Fischer, P., 1887. Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paléontologie conchylio-
logique ou Histoire naturelle des Mollusques vivants et fossiles, suivi d’un
appendice sur les Brachiopodes par D.P. Oehlert, avec 23 planches contenant
600 figures dessinées par S.P. Woodward et 1138 gravures dans le texte,
fold. map, xxiv, 1369 p., Cloth. € 180,00
031 Fleming, C.A., 1957. The Genus Pecten in New Zealand. 69 p., 13 figs, 15
plates, paperbound. € 24,00
032 Gassies, J.-B. et P. Fischer, 1856. Monographie du genre Testacelle. 56 p.,
2 plates. wrps. € 18,00
033 Gautier, A.,, 1970. Fossil Fresh Water Mollusca of the Lake Albert - Lake
Edward Rift (Uganda). 144 p., 8 figs, 7 plates, paperbound. € 28,00
034 Goethem, J.L. van et al., 1984. Over de verspreiding in België van de naakt-
slakken van het genus Deroceras Rafinesuq, 1820 (Mollusca, Gastropoda,
Agriolimacidae). 45 p., 13 figs. 74 maps, 4to, paperbound. € 8,00
035 Goethem, J.L. van, 1988. Nouvelle liste commentée des mollusques recents
non-marins de Belgique. 69 p., 1 fig., 4to, paperbound. € 12,00
036 Goldfuss, O., 1900. Die Binnenmollusken Mittel-Deutschlands mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Thüringer Lande, der Provinz Sachsen, des Harzes,
Braunschweigs und der angrenzenden Landestheile. VIII, 320 p., HCalf.
€ 84,00
037 Grognot, A., 1863. Mollusques testacés (fluviatiles et terrestres) du départe-
ment de Saone-et-Loire. 23 p., 3 folding tables, wrps. € 15,00
038 Gusarov, A.A., 1999. Treasure of Russian Shells Vol. 3. Succineidae. 26 p., 18
figs, 4to, wrps. € 15,00
039 Hawaiian Shell News, 1980-1981, vols. XXVIII-XXIX. Beautifully cloth bound.
€ 20,00
040 Hawaiian Shell News, 1982-1983, vols. XXX-XXI. Beautifully cloth bound.
€ 20,00
041 Heurn, F.C. van, 1936. Over fossiele schelpen van het Nederlandsche strand
en hare verwantschap met fossielen uit de tertiaire lagen van België en
Engeland. Annotations by L.G. Pouderoyen. 32 p., 14 pls, 4to, wrps. € 8,00
042 Issel, A., 1874. Molluschi Borneensi. Illustrazione delle specie terrestri e d'
acqua dolce raccolte nell'isola di Borneo dai signori G. Doria e O. Baccari.
121 p., 4 plates, 1 plate handcoloured, stapled. € 80,00
043 Kobelt. W., 1876-1881. Illustrirtes Conchylienbuch. 2 vols. Band 1, XVI, 143 p.,
50 plates, Band 2, 248 p., 62 plates, 4to, HCloth, plasticized. € 280,00
044 Korringa, P., 1951. The shell of Ostrea edulis as a habitat. 120 p., 14 figs, 14
tables, 2 fold. plates, wrps. € 18,00
045 Kühn, W., 1914. Beiträge zur Biologie der Weinbergschnecke (Helix pomatia
L.). Thesis, 58 p., 9 figs, wrps. € 14,00
046 Mandahl-Barth, G., 1954. The Freshwater Mollusks of Uganda and adjacent
territories. 206 p., 95 figs, paperboundThe Freshwater Mollusks of Uganda
and adjacent territories. 206 p., 95 figs, Cloth. € 38,00
047 Mandahl-Barth, G., 1943. Systematische Untersuchungen über die Heliciden-
Fauna von Madeira. 93 p., 8 figs, 17 pls, paperbound. € 32,00
048 Martin, K., 1885. Palaeontologische Ergebnisse von Tiefbohrungen auf Java.
Scaphopoda and Lamellibranchiata. 104 p., 6 plates, wrps. € 18,00
049 Martin, K., 1889. Die Fauna der Kreideformation von Martapoera. 72 p., 7
plates, wrps. € 20,00
050 Martin, K., 1911. Vorläufiger Bericht über geologische Forschungen auf Java.
Erster Teil. 76 p., 6 pls, HCloth. € 16,00
051 Meisenheimer, J., 1912. Die Weinbergschnecke Helix pomatia L. (iv), 140, (4)
p., col. frontispiece, 72 figs, paperbound. Ex libris C.O. van Regteren Altena.
€ 28,00
052 Michaud, A.L.G., n.d. Descriptions de plusieurs nouvelles espèces de coquilles
du genre Rissoa (Fréminville). 2e Édition. 24 p., 1 plate, cartoned. Very rare!
€ 34,00
053 Moerdijk, P.W, et al., 2010. De Fossiele Schelpen van de Nederlandse Kust.
332 p., 576 figs, hardbound. € 45,00
054 Morris, J. & J. Lycett, 1850-1854. A monograph of the Mollusca from the Great
Oolite, chiefly from Minchinhampton and the coast of Yorkshire. Part. I.
Univalves. Part II. Bivalves. viii, 277 p., 30 pls, 4to, Cloth. € 140,00
055 Nyst, H.-P., 1847. Tableau synoptique et synonymique des espèces vivantes
et fosslles de la famille des Arcacées. Première Partie. - Genre Arca. 79 p.,
4to, wrps. € 44,00
056 Olsson, A.A., 1961. Mollusks of the tropical eastern Pacific particularly from the
southern half of the Panamic-Pacific faunal province (Panama to Peru).
Panamic-Pacific Pelecypoda. 573 p., 86 pls, paperbound. € 86,00
057 Ortmann, A.E., 1911. Monograph of the Najades of Pennsylvania. General
Introduction. Part I. Anatomical Investigations. Part II. The System om the
North American Najades. 69 p., 2 figs, 4 plates, roy. 4to, paperbound.
€ 35,00
058 Ortmann, A.E., 1919. A Monograph of the Najades of Pennsylvania. Part III.
Systematic Account of the Genera and Species. 384 p., 21 plates, roy. 4to,
Cloth. € 225,00
059 Paetel, Fr., 1883. Catalog der Conchylien-Sammlung von Fr. Paetel. 269 p.,
Cloth. € 28,00
060 Pannekoek, A., 1936. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Altmiocänen Mollusken-Fauna
von Rembang (Java). 80 p., 10 figs, 4 pls, paperbound. Thesis. € 30,00
061 Paulus, M., 1949. Malacologie Marine et Saumâtre de la Camargue. 162 p.,
1 map, 4 plates, thesis, paperbound. € 38,00
062 Perrier, R. et H. Fischer, 1911. Recherches anatomiques et histologiques sur
la cavité palléale et ses dépendances ches les Bulléens. 190 p., sev. figs,
9 plates, 1 coloured, paperbound, back damaged. € 28,00
063 Puton, E., 1847. Essai sur les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles des Vosges.
(ii), 104 p., wrps. Dedication by the author to l'abbé Dupuy. € 32,00
064 Reichenbach, A.B., 1842. Die Land-, Süsswasse- und See-Conchylien nebst
den übrigen Weichthieren und den Ringelwürmern und Pflanzenthieren. VI,
170 p., 68 plates, Cloth. € 240,00
065 Rendall, R., 1956. Mollusca Orcadensia. 70 p., HCloth. € 34,00
066 Requien, 1848. Reprint Settepassi 19??. Catalogue des coquilles de l'Ile de
Corse. xii,111 p, HCloth. € 18,00
067 Rios, E.C., 1970. Coastal Brazilian Seashells. 255 p., 4 maps, 60 b&w pls,
portrait, paperbound. € 35,00
068 Schalie, H. van der & E.G. Berry, 1973. Effects of temperature on growth and
reproduction of aquatic snails. 164 p., 58 figs, 11 pls, paperbound. € 18,00
069 Simpson, C.T., 1900. Synopsis of the Naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels.
575 p., Cloth. € 120,00
070 Simroth, H., 1892-1894. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-
Reichs. Mollusca. I. Abtheilung: Amphineura und Scaphopoda. viii, 467 p., 51
figs, 22 plates, Cloth. € 150,00
071 Simroth, H., 1896-1907. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-
Reichs. Mollusca. II. Abtheilung: Gastropoda prosobranchia. vii, 1056 p., 226
figs, 11 maps, 63 plates. Cloth in two volumes (text and plates). € 320,00
072 Spaink, G. et al., 1978. Het Eoceen in de lokaalmoraine van Losser. 39 p., 19
pls, 4to, wrps. One plate depicts fossil shark teeth (Staringia 4). € 15,00
073 Steenstrup, J.J., 1842. Om forplantning og udviklinggjennem vexlende Gene-
rationsraekker, en saeregen Form for Opfostringen i de lavere Dyrklasser.
IV, 76 p.,3 fold. plates, 4to, HCloth. € 60,00
074 Taviani, M., 1979. I Molluschi marini raccolti dalla spedizione "L. Mares-G.R.
S.T.S" alle Isole Galàpagos. I. Gastropoda e Bivalvia. 61 p., 90 figs on 15
plates, 4to, paperbound. € 26,00
075 Tesch, P., 1929. Lijst der land- en zoetwatermollusken aangetroffen in de
kwartaire lagen in Nederland. 32 p., 3 pls, 1 folded map, paperbound € 10,00
076 Tesch, P., 1944. Nieuwe lijst der kwartaire land- en zoetwatermollusken in
Nederland. 24 p., 1 map, 1 plate, 4to, paperbound. € 12,00
077 Thorson, G., 1941. Zoology of Iceland. Marine Gastropoda Prosobranchiata.
150 p., 15 figs, beautifully half leather bound, but p. 33-48 misbound before
p. 1. € 34,00
078 Tryon, G.W., 1895-6. Manual of Conchology. Structural and Systematic.
continuation by H.A. Pilsbry. Second Series: Pulmonata. Vol. X. American
Bulimi and Bulimuli. Strophocheilus, Plekocheilus, Auris, Bulimulus. (iv), 213
p., 51 b/w plates, Cloth. € 180,00
079 Tryon, G.W., 1900. Manual of Conchology. Structural and Systematic.
continuation by H.A. Pilsbry. Second Series: Pulmonata. Vol. XIII. Australasian
Bulimulidae: Bothrieembryon, Placostylus. Helicidae: Amphidromus. (iv), 253
p., frontispiece, 72 b/w plates, Cloth. € 220,00
080 Webb, W.b.F., +/- 1960 (17th ed.). Handbook for Shell collectors. 264 p., 112
pls, Cloth (d.j.). € 16,00
081 Wenz, W. 1938-44, reprint 1961-62. Handbuch der Paläozoologie, Band 6.
Gastropoda. Teil I: Allgemeiner Teil und Prosobranchia. XII, 1639 p., 4211 figs,
HLeather, plasticized, Gr.8vo. In two volumes. € 460,00
082 Wenz, W., 1923. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria II. Fossilium Catalogus. I:
Animalia. Pars 18. 384 p. Sm. 4to, Cloth. € 40,00
083 Wenz, W., 1923. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria III. Fossilium Catalogus. I:
Animalia. Pars 20. 332 p., Sm. 4to, Cloth. € 40,00
084 Wenz, W., 1923. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria IV. Fossilium Catalogus. I:
Animalia. Pars 21. 352 p., Sm. 4to, Cloth. € 40,00
085 Wenz, W., 1923. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria V. Fossilium Catalogus. I:
Animalia. Pars 22. 314 p. + Wenz, W., 1923. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria
VI. Fossilium Catalogus. I: Animalia. Pars 23. 128 p. Sm. 4to, Cloth. € 40,00
086 Wenz, W., 1926. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria VII. Fossilium Catalogus. I:
Animalia. Pars 32. 368 p. Sm. 4to, Cloth. € 40,00
087 Wenz, W., 1928. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria VIII. Fossilium Catalogus. I:
Animalia. Pars 38. 272 p. Sm. 4to, Cloth. € 40,00
088 Wenz, W., 1929. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria IX. Fossilium Catalogus. I:
Animalia. Pars 40. 384 p. Sm. 4to, Cloth. € 40,00
089 Wenz, W., 1929. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria X. Fossilium Catalogus. I:
Animalia. Pars 43. 128 p. + Wenz, W., 1930. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria
XI. Fossilium Catalogus. I: Animalia. Pars 46. 373 p. Sm. 4to, Cloth. € 40,00
090 Wilbur, K.M., 1983. The Mollusca. Volume 6. Ecology. Edited by W.D. Russell-
Hunter. xx, 695 p., sev. figs, Cloth. € 35,00
091 Wilkins, G.L., 1953. A catalogue and historical account of the Sloane Shell
collection. 47 p., 12 pls, paperbound. € 18,00
092 Wilkins, G.L., 1955. A catalogue and historical account of the Banks shell
collection. 49 p., 6 pls, paperbound. € 14,00
093 Wilkins, G.L., 1957. The Cracherode Shell collection. 62 p., 6 pls, paperbound.
094 Willemsen, A.C., ed., 1959. De economische betekenis voor Nederland van de
oester- en mosselcultures in de Zeeuwsche stromen. Schadefactoren als
gevolg van volledige uitvoering van de Deltawerken. (x), 196 p., paperbound.
€ 22,00
095 Wülker, G., 1910. Über Japanische Cephalopoden. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der
Systematik und Anatomie der Dibranchiaten. 71 p., 5 fold. double plates, 4to,
paperbound. € 28,00
096 Zilch, A., 1959-1960. Gastropoda Teil 2: Euthyneura. in: Handbuch der Paläo-
zoologie, Bd. 6. XII, 834 p., 2515 figs. HLeather, plasticized, Gr.8vo. Top first
60 pages a bit wrinkled. € 220,00
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Backhuys Biological Books
Dr. Wim Backhuys
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The Netherlands
tel: +31-(0)111-672975
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Conservation Curator Job - AM
Dear Colleagues,
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) seeks a Curator in the area of Conservation Science (https://careers.amnh.org/postings/3900).
This is a tenured position with rank negotiable depending on the candidate’s professional experience and accomplishments. The successful candidate for this position will be appointed as a Curator in one of the Divisions (Anthropology, Invertebrate Zoology, Paleontology, Physical Sciences, or Vertebrate Zoology) and as a Professor in the Richard Gilder Graduate School at the AMNH as well as hold the title Chief Conservation Scientist in the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC).
“We seek an experienced conservation scientist with demonstrated high-impact research, productivity, and grantsmanship, and significant promise of future cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research, scholarship, and conservation practice. Research focus could be in any area related to biodiversity conservation, including patterns of global change, conservation strategies, climate change impacts and adaptation, biocultural conservation, or social-ecological systems. Those who utilize natural history collections for future-oriented research, and those leading work at the intersection of conservation, climate change, and human wellbeing are especially encouraged to apply.
Jessica Goodheart
Dr. Jessica Goodheart (she/her)
Assistant Curator, Invertebrate Zoology
Assistant Professor, Richard Gilder Graduate School
American Museum of Natural History
200 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024
Email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Due to my own efforts to strike a work-life balance, I sometimes send emails on weekends or evenings. Responses are never expected outside working hours.
Invertebrates Collections Assistant position at Field Museum/Chicago
Dear Colleagues,
We have an open (fulltime, permanent) position for a Collections Assistant in Recent Invertebrates.
For details and application link, please see here::
Best, Rüdiger Bieler
Rüdiger Bieler, PhD
Curator of Zoology/Invertebrates
Negaunee Integrative Research Center, Field Museum of Natural History
1400 S. DuSable Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605-2496, U.S.A.
+1 (312) 665-7720 | Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. | fieldmuseum.org
James H. McLean /Western Society of Malacologists research grants
Courtesy of Jann E. Vendetti, WSM grant coordinator:
The Western Society of Malacologists (WSM) is proud to offer a financial stipend for students to study fossil or recent malacological collections to further their research. This award honors the late James H. McLean, Curator of Malacology at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County from 1964–2001 and Emeritus Curator until 2013.
Eligibility: Graduate, undergraduate, and exceptional high school students may apply. Those proposing to visit collections within a reasonable daily commuting distance of their residence, university, or high school are ineligible for funding.
Research Scope: The applicant’s research project must be collections-based and focus on extant, extinct, or fossil western North American mollusks (freshwater, terrestrial, or marine). That is, taxa found (native or introduced) in western North America (e.g., California, Oregon, Baja California, Washington, British Columbia, Western Canada, Alaska, Hawai'i).
Funding: The maximum award is $1,000 (US dollars) and should be used to support travel and accommodation costs incurred by visiting one or more collections. Collection visits of two or more days are encouraged. Applicants need not apply for the full $1,000 if it is not necessary. Reasonable per diem costs may be included. Requests of partial funding are acceptable if other funds are secured.
Museum(s): Visits to any University-based or Natural History Museum collection (domestic or international) are eligible. Private collections are ineligible. Student applicants are responsible for confirming their project’s feasibility and arranging visit logistics with the University or Museum’s collections manager and/or curator. Students may apply to visit more than one museum and collection in their proposal. Generally, visits to collections that are within a feasible driving distance away (up to ~1.5 hours) from the home institution of the researcher will not be prioritized for funding.
Deadline: Proposals and recommendations are due March 1st, with announcement and notification of awardees in May or June. Funds are available for use until May 15th of the following year.
Proposal Submission: Proposals are to be sent electronically (as one document) to:
Jann Vendetti at: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken., using the subject line: James McLean Student Grant: Name of Applicant
Application: Two pages (single-spaced) with a title, description of the planned research, specific collection(s)/institutions proposed to be visited and why, anticipated visit dates (and length), and a budget justification. Personal information (an abbreviated CV) including the applicant’s name, address, email address, and student enrollment status (where enrolled, major, degree program, anticipated graduation date) should be included.
One recommendation from a graduate, undergraduate, or high school advisor should be sent separately to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. with “James McLean Student Grant: Name of Applicant” in the subject line.
Please pass on to potentially interested students.
Mr. Lindsey T. Groves
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Senior Collection Manager, Malacology Department
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
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213-763-3376 (voice)
213-746-2999 (fax)
“If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane" Jimmy Buffett (1977)
RIP JB (9-1-2023)
Last Announcement!
Saturday, January 27th, 2024
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium
3720 Stephen M. White Drive, San Pedro, CA
Parking details and directions to follow.
Meet & greet: 8 AM
Presentations: 9 AM -- 4 PM ... with breaks and lunch (details upcoming)
SCUM is an informal association of professional, amateur, and student malacologists and paleontologists in southern California who are active or interested in molluscan research. There are no dues, officers, or publications. The annual gatherings are to facilitate contact and keep one another informed of research activities and opportunities. SCUM is a great way for students to get experience giving presentations.
Want to present? Five minute "speed talks" and twelve minute extended talks are available while they last.
Questions? Contact SCUM XVIII host Doug Eernisse at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
MANY thanks to Julianne Passarelli (CMA) for arranging use of their auditorium for SCUM XXVIII.
This is also a great opportunity to visit their splendid aquarium that promotes education and conservation.
Mr. Lindsey T. Groves
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Senior Collection Manager, Malacology Department
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
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213-763-3376 (voice)
213-746-2999 (fax)
“If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane" Jimmy Buffett (1977)
RIP JB (9-1-2023)
PPLY NOW for Summer term 2024 at Friday Harbor Labs!
Come spend five weeks on beautiful San Juan Island exploring the tide pools, learning in a hands-on lab environment, and "diving" into lectures about the diverse life found in our ocean. Friday Harbor Labs offers a unique classroom setting for marine science course work and allows students to learn research techniques and field skills. We host research focused courses where students can actively participate in projects to explore the subjects they are passionate about and grow as early career scientists.
We welcome students from everywhere; price of the term is the same no matter where you are coming from AND we offer scholarships!This summer we are offering advanced courses open to undergraduate and graduate students. Check out the University of Washington credited courses we are offering this summer.
APPLY NOW through our Summer course applications.
Any questions about courses, scholarships from FHL, or living on San Juan Island can be directed toward Maia Kreis at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..
Maia Kreis (she/her/hers)
Academic Services Manager
UW Friday Harbor Laboratories
620 University Road
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
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Telephone: 206-616-0752
M - Th: 9:00 am- 4:00 pm
F: 9:00 am- 1:00 pm
Conchologists of America, Academic Grants, 2024
Courtesy of Jann E. Vendetti, coordinator of COA grants:
Please consider applying and/or forward to potentially interested students and colleagues.
Conchologists of America (COA) Academic Grant, 2024
Deadline: February 28, 2024
Please see the website: http://www.conchologistsofamerica.org/grants/
The maximum award is US$2,500
- Degree-seeking students and others (e.g., postdocs, professors, undergraduates, museum researchers, highschool students, etc.) engaged in any mollusk research are eligible.
- Persons of any nationality and country of residence may apply.
- Applicants from previous years may re-apply.
- Recipients of previous years may re-apply, but must include a submitted manuscript to or published article in the American Conchologist based on the previous award.
- Degree-seeking students must have a letter of recommendation by their advisor emailed to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. by the Feb. 28th deadline with the applicant's name in the subject line.
Rules & Guidelines:
- Applications must be submitted via email as a .doc, or .pdf. under 3 MB.
- The proposal must concern a malacological topic with any molluscan taxon or taxa as the focus, e.g., parasite studies should focus on the molluscan side of the interaction. All disciplines from autecology to zoogeography, including paleontology, are eligible.
- The project may be self-contained and covered entirely by the funds requested or be a component of the applicant's overall research. This allowance is different than what is outlined on the website.
- Major permanent equipment is not an allowable expense. However, time using a piece of permanent equipment (for example, SEM beam time) is allowable.
- Institutional overhead is not permitted.
- The maximum award is $2,500 US: smaller amounts can be requested and may be more likely to receive funding. Partial funding is possible.
- All recipients are expected to submit a summary of their work to American Conchologist within 12 months of receiving the award.
- All applications are evaluated by the Academic Grants Committee composed of three professional malacologists appointed by the Chair of the COA Academic Grants program.
- The decisions of the Committee are final.
Must include 3 components: a proposal (up to 2 pages), budget (1 page), and CV (1–2 pages).
Proposal (2 pages)
abstract of project, not to exceed 150 words
body including background information, its significance, materials and methods, and proposed plan of research, and illustrations (if necessary)
literature cited
single-spaced, 12 point font
Budget (1 page):
list of estimated expenses, note that per diem food costs may not be funded at all or in full.
list of grants applied to for same/similar project
CV/Academic Biography (1–2 pages):
include address, phone number, email address of applicant, academic and/or relevant professional history
Keep the introduction short and relevant; consider that all committee members are broadly trained invertebrate zoologists. The inclusion of preliminary data is helpful, when applicable.
Applications are judged by the COA Grants Committee. Awardees will be notified via email in May 2022 or earlier and announced at COA's annual convention and via email. Awardees need not be present at the convention.
All application materials must be emailed to: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Mr. Lindsey T. Groves
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Senior Collection Manager, Malacology Department
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
213-763-3376 (voice)
213-746-2999 (fax)
“If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane" Jimmy Buffett (1977)
RIP JB (9-1-2023)
5th of March >> Limpet meeting
LIMPETS 2020+4 The Malacological Society of London is hosting a day and a half meeting on the biology of limpets at the Natural History Museum (London) beginning on the afternoon of the 5th of March and continuing on the 6th of March (all day). All presentations are in person. The conference programme will be posted on the Malacological Society website shortly. If anyone would like to 'tune in' to the talks they can do so at
Tuesday: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/38793230-2ba2-4643-8d6d-7e46b27c67a5@73a29c01-4e78-437f-a0d4-c8553e1960c1
Wednesday: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/d1282214-484e-46cf-b5b1-5263f9469853@73a29c01-4e78-437f-a0d4-c8553e1960c1
Best wishes Alan Hodgson
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to EUROMAL 2024, the 10th European Congress of Malacological Societies.
The congress, organized by the Hellenic Malacological Society, and the Natural History Museum of Crete, will take place at the Cultural Conference Centre of Heraklio, Crete, from 15th to 20th September 2024.
On Behalf of the Organizing Committee
Dr. Katerina Vardinoyannis
Curator of Invertebrates (excl. arthropods)
Natural History Museum of Crete - University of Crete
University Campus
70013 Vasilika Vouton, Herakleion, Crete, GREECE
tel.: +302810393272
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"Advances in mollusc palaeontology" - session at PalGes 2024, Poland
Dear colleagues and fellow mollusc aficionados,
We are pleased to announce a session focused on molluscs at the Joint Meeting of the Polish Paleobiologists and the 95th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft in Warsaw, Poland, on 16-21 September 2024. The session entitled "Advances in mollusc palaeontology" welcomes a broad spectrum of topics - basically anything on molluscs is welcome, from taxonomy to evolutionary modeling, from (paleo)ecology to phylogenies, across all classes and through geological time.
Registration and abstract submissions will be opened on 1 May, but please mark the event already in your agenda.
More information (1st circular and dates) is available and will be further updated here:
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions. Please forward the invitation to other colleagues that might be interested or your students. Looking forward to seeing many of you in Warsaw!
Kind regards,
Alexander Pohle, Baran Karapunar, Thomas A. Neubauer, Aleksandra Skawina
Dr. Thomas A. Neubauer
SNSB - Bavarian State Collection for Paleontology and Geology
Richard-Wagner-Straße 10
80333 Munich
Phone: 0049 (0)89 2180 6541
Editor for phylum Mollusca at https://molluscabase.org/
Steering committee member of the World Register of Marine Species
PhD student for a DFG (German Science Foundation)
Dear fellow malacologists
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student for a DFG (German Science Foundation) funded project on the biogeography of New Caledonia based on phylogenomic analyses of the freshwater snail family Tateidae - see attachment or there:
Please, send applications as a single PDF file by Email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
With kind regards, Martin Haase
Prof. Dr. Martin Haase
AG Vogelwarte
Zoologisches Institut und Museum
Universität Greifswald
Soldmannstraße 23
D-17489 Greifswald
Ph: ++49/(0)3834/4204347
E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
23-Wi25-Zoologie-Dr. Haase_engl.pdf
FWGNA Volumes 5 - 7 now available!
Dear Colleagues:
It is our great pleasure to announce the publication of Volumes 5, 6, and 7 in the Freshwater Gastropods of North America series, extending our coverage from U.S. Atlantic drainages into the Ohio, Cumberland and Tennessee River systems of the American interior. These three important new references are now available from all the usual online outlets, and directly from the print shop at a substantial discount.
Volume 5, by Dillon, Kohl, Winters, Pyron, Reeves, Watters, Cummings, Bailey and Whitman, reports the scientific results of a freshwater gastropod survey covering all or part of 14 U.S. states, a total study area of over 200,000 square miles. We provide full-color figures, a dichotomous key, range maps, and natural history notes for all 80 species and 19 subspecies of freshwater snails recovered, updating the taxonomy to modern standards. A new continent-scale biogeographic analysis is offered, and the objective system of abundance ranking by incidence categories we proposed in Volume 1 is expanded and updated. Three new species of cave-dwelling hydrobioid gastropods are described in the appendix.
Accompanying the Volume 5 survey are two volumes of essays intended to support the scientific findings, offering additional evolutionary, ecological, and systematic notes for the fauna. Volume 6 collects 32 essays on the systematics and evolution of the pleurocerid and hydrobioid snails, and Volume 7 comprises 36 essays on the ampullariids, viviparids, and pulmonates. All three volumes are available for a package price of $99.95 from the FWGNA publications page: www.fwgna.org/publications.
Dr. Robert T. Dillon, Jr.
Freshwater Gastropods of North America Project
P.O. Box 31532
Charleston, SC 29417
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Molluscan microbiomes online open symposium
Malacological Society of Australasia Mini-Symposium: Molluscan Microbiomes (open, online, free!)
Join us to celebrate and support our early-career researchers as they shed light on the fascinating world of molluscan microbiomes! This is a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge in this flourishing research field.
When: Thu, 30 November, 11:00am-12:30pm (Sydney time)
Invited speakers:
Jinchen Guo (Auckland University of Technology): "Evaluation of the Potential Effects of Marine Heatwaves and Formulated Feeds on the Gut Microbiome of the Black-Footed Abalone (Haliotis iris) in New Zealand."
Elliot Scanes (University of Technology Sydney): "Climate Change Alters Oyster Microbiomes and Triggers Bacterial Disease."
Isa de Vries (University of Otago): "Seasonality of Austrovenus stutchburyi Viromes."
RSVP (https://tinyurl.com/MSA-RSVP) to receive a Zoom link and more details closer to the symposium date.
If you have any questions, just contact me: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
How many species of Mollusca are there in Brazil?
Dear colleagues,
We are thrilled to announce an important contribution to Malacology. In a paper brought about by many researchers, we compiled the total number of mollusc species in Brazil, including marine, freshwater and terrestrial taxa. In addition, we present a state of the art of knowledge of Brazilian molluscs, highlighting its most representative and neglected groups and calling attention to areas that would benefit from future studies and to potential avenues for conservation and management.
We hope you enjoy!
Best wishes,
Fabrizio Marcondes Machado
Ph.D. in Animal Biology
Global Fellowship - Senckenberg, Germany
Research Associate - IB, UNICAMP
São Paulo (SP) - Brazil
Zip code: 13083-970
Office: 55 19 3521-6339
2 PhD positions available in the Wanninger Lab
Dear mollusk enthusiasts,
I have 2 PhD positions available in my lab on vermitids, a fantastic group of marine gastropods, employing morphological and molecular methods. Please see here for the full announcement https://vds-ecology-evolution.univie.ac.at/application/open-positions/ and distribute widely. Thanks!
Best regards,
2 PhD positions in morphology, evodevo, and –omics available in the Wanninger lab!!
Reach out if interested and spread the word. Full details here:
Univ.-Prof. DDr. Andreas Wanninger
University of Vienna
Co-Head of Department of Evolutionary Biology
Unit Integrative Zoology
Djerassiplatz 1
1030 Vienna
Email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Phone: +43-1-4277-76300
Mobile: +43-664-60277-76300
Fax: +43-1-4277-9763
Homepage: http://zoology.univie.ac.at/people/staff/andreas-wanninger/
Follow @WanningerLab on twitter for updates on lab activities, projects, job opportunities, and other invert and evodevo news feeds
President-elect of the International Society for Invertebrate Morphology (ISIM)
Editor-in-Chief: Organisms Diversity & Evolution http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/ecology/journal/13127
Associate Editor: Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Specialty section of Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution and Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology http://www.frontiersin.org/Evolutionary_Developmental_Biology/about
Associate Editor: BMC Evolutionary Biology https://bmcevolbiol.biomedcentral.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3ZzdzoGl5AIVGuR3Ch3g5wZBEAAYASAAEgJFNfD_BwE
Associate Editor: Scientific Reports https://www.nature.com/srep/
EMBO Workshop on Establishing state-of-the-art mollusc genomics
EMBO Workshop on Establishing state-of-the-art mollusc genomics
If you are having trouble reading this email, view the Web Version.
EMBO Workshop
Establishing state-of-the-art mollusc genomics
28–31 May 2024 | Namur, Belgium (Hybrid)
Interested in attending? Visit the website:
Register by: 15 December 2023
Join the conversation on Twitter with #EMBOmolluscGenomics
Invertebrates Collections Assistant position at Field Museum/Chicago
Dear Colleagues,
We have an open (fulltime, permanent) position for a Collections Assistant in Recent Invertebrates.
For details and application link, please see here::
Best, Rüdiger Bieler
Rüdiger Bieler, PhD
Curator of Zoology/Invertebrates
Negaunee Integrative Research Center, Field Museum of Natural History
1400 S. DuSable Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605-2496, U.S.A.
+1 (312) 665-7720 | Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. | fieldmuseum.org
Malacologist Position with USDA, NIS (National Identification Services)
Dear Colleagues,
The Malacologist position with USDA, as described below, is finally being advertised, with a very tight time window for applications (12/7 to 12/13).My apologies for having “cried wolf” before, but were led to believe that it was going to be advertised last August. It was not, and it will open tomorrow, Thursday, 12/7 and remain open until Wednesday, 12/13, in USAJOBS.gov.
We would be very grateful if you can help us make potential candidates and interested individuals aware of this opportunity.
Many thanks for your help and interest.
With best regards,
Office: 55 19 3521-6339
Mollusc of the Year 2024 - nominations please! - deadline 3 Jan 2024
Dear friends
Happy December! The year is coming to a close.
And that means, it will soon be time for ……. international Mollusc of the Year 2024!!!!!!!
We will select FIVE molluscs for a public vote in 2024, and the winning mollusc will have its genome sequenced in the LOEWE Translational Biodiversity Genomics centre here in the Senckenberg institute in Frankfurt, Germany.
Anyone, anywhere, can nominate ANY mollusc species (as long as you can get specimens that are suitable for genome sequencing). We favour species that would not normally be considered for funding for genomics projects, and people working in countries that do not have easy access to high throughput sequencing.
Tell your friends!! Please spread this message widely.
Previous winners are
2021: Argonauta argo
2022: Polymita picta
2023: Concholepas concholepas
Species that were entered in previous years are still eligible! You are welcome to nominate your species again. And you may nominate as many different species as you like.
Nomination deadline Wednesday 3 January 2024
Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Julia Sigwart
Head of Section, Malacology
Senckenberg Research Institute and Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
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You could…
Download my book “What Species Mean” http://bit.ly/whatspeciesmean
Subscribe to our newsletter for the Senckenberg Ocean Species Alliance http://sosa.senckenberg.de
Join the Molluscalist email list
bit.ly/SMFMalacology | @sigwartae
Deadline for the next issue of Tentacle
It's 1 December so a month to go to the deadline of 31 December for submitting your contributions to Tentacle. So far I have just two submissions.
Hoping to hear from many of you.
Robert Cowie
Robert H. Cowie, Ph.D.
Research Professor
Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii
3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 408, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA
_@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj
Phone: (808) 956-4909
Lab website: http://www.hawaii.edu/cowielab/
My books:
Journey to a Waterfall – a Biologist in Africa
Samoan Land Snails and Slugs – An Identification Guide
Biology and Management of Invasive Apple Snails
On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 12:53 PM Robert Cowie <Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.; wrote:
To all interested in mollusc conservation:
First, I apologize if you receive this multiple times. I send it to the mollusca listserv, to my Tentacle list, and to the list I have of UNITAS Malacologica members.
I'm sending this message a bit earlier than usual in the hope that I can get as many articles as possible before the 31 December deadline.
The most recent issue (issue 31) of Tentacle appeared in March 2023. I am now inviting submissions for issue 32, which I hope will appear in early 2024.
Tentacle is the Newsletter of the Mollusc Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature). It is distributed exclusively on the internet. All issues are available here: http://www.hawaii.edu/cowielab/Tentacle.htm
Tentacle is a newsletter, not a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. I want news items and summaries of ongoing projects, not data-rich research articles that should be in the peer-reviewed literature. Articles in Tentacle are generally short (one paragraph to a page or two, but a maximum of three printed pages). They are not peer-reviewed. I will edit only minimally for content - most of the editing is to improve/correct the English, especially for contributors who are not native English speakers (but whose contributions I encourage and welcome). I accept most (but not all) articles that are submitted.
I especially encourage you to submit illustrations. I prefer colour illustrations. Please send images as jpg files, preferably at 300 dpi. They will be sized to fit a single column, so please remember this when creating any images, especially with regard to lettering, which must be big enough to be read easily when the illustration is reduced to fit a single column.
The focus is mollusc conservation. So I encourage anyone with anything relevant to mollusc conservation, even in a broad sense, to send me an article, however short, but please link it explicitly to mollusc conservation in some way. Nevertheless, I reserve the right not to accept it if it really does not seem relevant in a broad way to mollusc conservation. New records of invasive species, unless there is an explicit, substantiated relevance to mollusc conservation, will not be accepted (these are better submitted to the journal BioInvasions Records: http://www.reabic.net/journals/bir/). Tentacle is not an invasive species newsletter. I also like to receive citations to recent publications dealing with mollusc conservation, however peripherally, and notices of meetings dealing with molluscs, websites dealing with molluscs, etc., etc.
Guidelines for submission of articles are available in the most recent issue of Tentacle (at the link given above in this message). I am also attaching two files. One shows you how to format your references, and the other is an article from a previous issue of Tentacle that you can use as a template to format your articles (font, spacing, etc - just paste over the text in the template), including figures, tables, etc., but place figures and tables at the end of your article, not embedded within it. Please turn off the automatic "space before paragraph" and "space after paragraph" in MS Word - use "Enter" to create a single line space. Please pay great attention to detail and take great care to do all this correctly - it takes a huge amount of my time to do it if you do not. If I receive articles incorrectly formatted, even in minor ways, I will send them back to you.
I am setting 31 December 2023 as the deadline for submissions. Please therefore send things to me as soon as possible.
You can view all previous issues and see the range of topics covered in recent issues at http://www.hawaii.edu/cowielab/Tentacle.htm
I look forward to hearing from many of you. Submission by e-mail is best, preferably using MS Word attachments.
Robert Cowie, Editor
Robert H. Cowie, Ph.D.
Research Professor
Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii
3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 408, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA
_@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj
Phone: (808) 956-4909
Lab website: http://www.hawaii.edu/cowielab/
My books:
Journey to a Waterfall – a Biologist in Africa
Samoan Land Snails and Slugs – An Identification Guide
Biology and Management of Invasive Apple Snails
Malacological Society of London - Broadening Access Membership Scheme
We are excited to invite applicants to the second year of the MSL Broadening Access Membership Scheme (BAMS) to help support more postgraduate students from developing economies in their malacological studies.
We are offering 10 postgraduate students each year free membership to The Malacological Society of London for a period of 3 years. Last year we had seven students joining the Society through this scheme.
Students who are studying a postgraduate malacology-related course in countries designated ‘developing economies’ are invited to apply for this award with the support of their supervisor. Applications are open immediately and will close when all 10 memberships have been allocated. Membership for this round starts on 1st January 2024 and ends on 31st December 2026.
More details on conditions and how to apply can be found on the MSL website: Broadening Access Membership Scheme - The Malacological Society of London (malacsoc.org.uk)
Please spread the word!
John Grahame on behalf of Harriet Wood, Membership Secretary, MSL.
Limpets 2020 (+4) meeting in March 2024
Dear all, I am forwarding an announcement from the Malacological Society of London.
Yasunori Kano, Secretary of Unitas Malacologica
The Malacological Society of London
Plans for the Limpets 2020 (+4) meeting are beginning to take shape. Please find attached the Second Announcement for the meeting in March next year. We are now calling for registrations and presentation submissions. The deadline date for submissions and/or registration is on the attached document as well as how to register.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in this 1.5 day meeting please spread the word. The meeting is open to any research on any type of limpet or limpet-like mollusc.
Please note that the meeting is an in person event although we hope to have a live video link to the talks.
We look forward to seeing as many people as possible at the meeting,
The Organising Committee
Limpets 2020 + 4 2nd Announcement.pdf
Saturday, January 27th, 2024
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium
3720 Stephen M. White Drive, San Pedro, CA
Parking details and directions to follow.
Meet & greet: 8 AM
Presentations: 9 AM -- 4 PM ... with breaks and lunch (details upcoming)
SCUM is an informal association of professional, amateur, and student malacologists and paleontologists in southern California who are active or interested in molluscan research. There are no dues, officers, or publications. The annual gatherings are to facilitate contact and keep one another informed of research activities and opportunities. SCUM is a great way for students to get experience giving presentations.
Want to present? Five minute "speed talks" and twelve minute extended talks are available while they last.
Questions? Contact SCUM XVIII host Doug Eernisse at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
MANY thanks to Julianne Passarelli (CMA) for arranging use of their auditorium for SCUM XXVIII.
This is also a great opportunity to visit their splendid aquarium that promotes education and conservation.
Mr. Lindsey T. Groves
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Senior Collection Manager, Malacology Department
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
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213-763-3376 (voice)
213-746-2999 (fax)
“If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane" Jimmy Buffett (1977)
RIP JB (9-1-2023)
Conchologists of America, Academic Grants, 2024
Courtesy of Jann E. Vendetti, coordinator of COA grants:
Please consider applying and/or forward to potentially interested students and colleagues.
Conchologists of America (COA) Academic Grant, 2024
Deadline: February 28, 2024
Please see the website: http://www.conchologistsofamerica.org/grants/
The maximum award is US$2,500
- Degree-seeking students and others (e.g., postdocs, professors, undergraduates, museum researchers, highschool students, etc.) engaged in any mollusk research are eligible.
- Persons of any nationality and country of residence may apply.
- Applicants from previous years may re-apply.
- Recipients of previous years may re-apply, but must include a submitted manuscript to or published article in the American Conchologist based on the previous award.
- Degree-seeking students must have a letter of recommendation by their advisor emailed to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. by the Feb. 28th deadline with the applicant's name in the subject line.
Rules & Guidelines:
- Applications must be submitted via email as a .doc, or .pdf. under 3 MB.
- The proposal must concern a malacological topic with any molluscan taxon or taxa as the focus, e.g., parasite studies should focus on the molluscan side of the interaction. All disciplines from autecology to zoogeography, including paleontology, are eligible.
- The project may be self-contained and covered entirely by the funds requested or be a component of the applicant's overall research. This allowance is different than what is outlined on the website.
- Major permanent equipment is not an allowable expense. However, time using a piece of permanent equipment (for example, SEM beam time) is allowable.
- Institutional overhead is not permitted.
- The maximum award is $2,500 US: smaller amounts can be requested and may be more likely to receive funding. Partial funding is possible.
- All recipients are expected to submit a summary of their work to American Conchologist within 12 months of receiving the award.
- All applications are evaluated by the Academic Grants Committee composed of three professional malacologists appointed by the Chair of the COA Academic Grants program.
- The decisions of the Committee are final.
Must include 3 components: a proposal (up to 2 pages), budget (1 page), and CV (1–2 pages).
Proposal (2 pages)
abstract of project, not to exceed 150 words
body including background information, its significance, materials and methods, and proposed plan of research, and illustrations (if necessary)
literature cited
single-spaced, 12 point font
Budget (1 page):
list of estimated expenses, note that per diem food costs may not be funded at all or in full.
list of grants applied to for same/similar project
CV/Academic Biography (1–2 pages):
include address, phone number, email address of applicant, academic and/or relevant professional history
Keep the introduction short and relevant; consider that all committee members are broadly trained invertebrate zoologists. The inclusion of preliminary data is helpful, when applicable.
Applications are judged by the COA Grants Committee. Awardees will be notified via email in May 2022 or earlier and announced at COA's annual convention and via email. Awardees need not be present at the convention.
All application materials must be emailed to: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Mr. Lindsey T. Groves
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Senior Collection Manager, Malacology Department
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
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213-763-3376 (voice)
213-746-2999 (fax)
“If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane" Jimmy Buffett (1977)
RIP JB (9-1-2023)
Western Society of Malacologists research grants 2024
Courtesy of Jann E. Vendetti, WSM grant coordinator:
The Western Society of Malacologists (WSM) is proud to offer a financial stipend for students to study fossil or recent malacological collections to further their research. This award honors the late James H. McLean, Curator of Malacology at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County from 1964–2001 and Emeritus Curator until 2013.
Eligibility: Graduate, undergraduate, and exceptional high school students may apply. Those proposing to visit collections within a reasonable daily commuting distance of their residence, university, or high school are ineligible for funding.
Research Scope: The applicant’s research project must be collections-based and focus on extant, extinct, or fossil western North American mollusks (freshwater, terrestrial, or marine). That is, taxa found (native or introduced) in western North America (e.g., California, Oregon, Baja California, Washington, British Columbia, Western Canada, Alaska, Hawai'i).
Funding: The maximum award is $1,000 (US dollars) and should be used to support travel and accommodation costs incurred by visiting one or more collections. Collection visits of two or more days are encouraged. Applicants need not apply for the full $1,000 if it is not necessary. Reasonable per diem costs may be included. Requests of partial funding are acceptable if other funds are secured.
Museum(s): Visits to any University-based or Natural History Museum collection (domestic or international) are eligible. Private collections are ineligible. Student applicants are responsible for confirming their project’s feasibility and arranging visit logistics with the University or Museum’s collections manager and/or curator. Students may apply to visit more than one museum and collection in their proposal. Generally, visits to collections that are within a feasible driving distance away (up to ~1.5 hours) from the home institution of the researcher will not be prioritized for funding.
Deadline: Proposals and recommendations are due March 1st, with announcement and notification of awardees in May or June. Funds are available for use until May 15th of the following year.
Proposal Submission: Proposals are to be sent electronically (as one document) to:
Jann Vendetti at: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken., using the subject line: James McLean Student Grant: Name of Applicant
Application: Two pages (single-spaced) with a title, description of the planned research, specific collection(s)/institutions proposed to be visited and why, anticipated visit dates (and length), and a budget justification. Personal information (an abbreviated CV) including the applicant’s name, address, email address, and student enrollment status (where enrolled, major, degree program, anticipated graduation date) should be included.
One recommendation from a graduate, undergraduate, or high school advisor should be sent separately to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. with “James McLean Student Grant: Name of Applicant” in the subject line.
Please pass on to potentially interested students.
Mr. Lindsey T. Groves
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Senior Collection Manager, Malacology Department
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
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213-763-3376 (voice)
213-746-2999 (fax)
“If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane" Jimmy Buffett (1977)
RIP JB (9-1-2023)
"Advances in mollusc palaeontology" - session at PalGes 2024, Poland
We are pleased to announce a session focused on molluscs at the Joint Meeting of the Polish Paleobiologists and the 95th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft in Warsaw, Poland, on 16-21 September 2024. The session entitled "Advances in mollusc palaeontology" welcomes a broad spectrum of topics - basically anything on molluscs is welcome, from taxonomy to evolutionary modeling, from (paleo)ecology to phylogenies, across all classes and through geological time.
Registration and abstract submissions will be opened on 1 May, but please mark the event already in your agenda.
More information (1st circular and dates) is available and will be further updated here:
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions. Please forward the invitation to other colleagues that might be interested or your students. Looking forward to seeing many of you in Warsaw!
Kind regards,
Alexander Pohle, Baran Karapunar, Thomas A. Neubauer, Aleksandra Skawina
Dr. Thomas A. Neubauer
SNSB - Bavarian State Collection for Paleontology and Geology
Richard-Wagner-Straße 10
80333 Munich
Phone: 0049 (0)89 2180 6541
Editor for phylum Mollusca at https://molluscabase.org/
Steering committee member of the World Register of Marine Species
Limpet meeting
LIMPETS 2020+4 The Malacological Society of London is hosting a day and a half meeting on the biology of limpets at the Natural History Museum (London) beginning on the afternoon of the 5th of March and continuing on the 6th of March (all day). All presentations are in person. The conference programme will be posted on the Malacological Society website shortly. If anyone would like to 'tune in' to the talks they can do so at Tuesday: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/38793230-2ba2-4643-8d6d-7e46b27c67a5@73a29c01-4e78-437f-a0d4-c8553e1960c1Wednesday: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/d1282214-484e-46cf-b5b1-5263f9469853@73a29c01-4e78-437f-a0d4-c8553e1960c1 Best wishes Alan Hodgson
Friday Harbor Labs summer programs
PPLY NOW for Summer term 2024 at Friday Harbor Labs!
Come spend five weeks on beautiful San Juan Island exploring the tide pools, learning in a hands-on lab environment, and "diving" into lectures about the diverse life found in our ocean. Friday Harbor Labs offers a unique classroom setting for marine science course work and allows students to learn research techniques and field skills. We host research focused courses where students can actively participate in projects to explore the subjects they are passionate about and grow as early career scientists.
We welcome students from everywhere; price of the term is the same no matter where you are coming from AND we offer scholarships!
This summer we are offering advanced courses open to undergraduate and graduate students. Check out the University of Washington credited courses we are offering this summer.
APPLY NOW through our Summer course applications.
Any questions about courses, scholarships from FHL, or living on San Juan Island can be directed toward Maia Kreis at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..
Maia Kreis (she/her/hers)
Academic Services Manager
UW Friday Harbor Laboratories
620 University Road
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
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Telephone: 206-616-0752
M - Th: 9:00 am- 4:00 pm
F: 9:00 am- 1:00 pm
Why avoid naming diseases after animals? The case of “Molluscum contagiosum”
Dear malacologists,
It is a pleasure to share with you a short paper recently published in Tropical Medicine and Health about a famous dermatological disease, "molluscum contagiosum". Herein, in addition to a broad history of the disease, we also present arguments against the continued use of this name.
We hope you enjoy!
Best wishes,
Fabrizio Marcondes Machado
Ph.D. in Animal Biology
Research Associate - IB, UNICAMP
São Paulo (SP) - Brazil
Zip code: 13083-970
Office: 55 19 3521-6339
Looking for Haliotis asinina
Dear all,
I am Leena from Malaysia and I am supervising a student on the population genetics study of Haliotis asinina (Donkey's ear abalone). This species is recorded as widely distributed throughout tropical and sub-tropical regions, but we only managed to secure data and specimens from a few Southeast Asian countries. We would like to invite anyone who has access to a population, previous data or tissue sample to collaborate in this study. Kindly drop me an email if you would like to contribute any information.
Thank you and best regards,
Dr. Nur Leena Wong W.S.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, UPM
Head of Laboratory, Laboratory of Sustainable Aquaculture, International Institute of Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences (I-AQUAS), UPM, Port Dickson
Treasurer/Councilor (2019-2025)
Asian Fisheries Society
Molluscs on the Edge Conference, 24-28 Nov 2024
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Malacological Society of Australasia (MSA), it is with great pleasure that we extend a cordial invitation to you for our upcoming triennial conference, to be held in the vibrant city of Perth, Australia, from November 24th to 28th, 2024. Under the theme "Molluscs on the Edge," this conference promises to delve into a rich tapestry of topics encompassing conservation in extreme environments, ecological and evolutionary studies, genomic insights, and outreach and citizen science.
Immerse yourself in our program filled with enlightening presentations, engaging discussions, and thrilling field trips, including an excursion to the picturesque Rottnest Island. Moreover, seize the invaluable networking opportunities, including a unique experience under the gaze of Otto the Blue Whale!
To register for this enriching event and to submit your abstract, kindly visit our conference website at molluscs2024.com.au.
Are you a creative spirit with a penchant for design? Join our "Molluscs on the Edge" logo competition for a chance to have your creation featured across all conference materials, the website, and merchandise (with a secret prize up for grabs!) Hurry, submissions close on March 31st. Details can be found on molluscs2024.com.au.
We are also pleased to announce that the MSA is offering student travel grants for conference attendees, in addition to various awards targetting early career researchers, mid-career researchers, life-time contributions to research in malacology, and independent (non-career) malacologists. For more information on these grants and various awards, please visit the Research Support page on the MSA website at www.malsocaus.org/research-support.
Should you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Warm regards,
Lisa Kirkendale and Priscila Salloum
Malacological Society of Australasia
New issue of Tentacle now published
To all interested in mollusc conservation:
The latest issue - number 32, a bit smaller than last year's - of Tentacle (the newsletter of the IUCN - Species Survival Commission - Mollusc Specialist Group) is now available on the web. I hope you enjoy it.
Go to
I am sending this announcement to the molluscalist, to the most recent e-mail list I have for members of UNITAS Malacologica, and to my updated Tentacle list.
So I apologize for cross-postings.
Tentacle is an on-line only publication. So please keep me informed of changes in your e-mail addresses, as every year, some emails on my list no longer work.
Many thanks to all the contributors to this latest issue.
Robert Cowie
Robert H. Cowie, Ph.D.
Research Professor
Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii
3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 408, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA
_@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj _@jj
Phone: (808) 956-4909, (808) 541-7121
Lab website: http://www.hawaii.edu/cowielab/
Journey to a Waterfall – a Biologist in Africa
Samoan Land Snails and Slugs – An Identification Guide
Biology and Management of Invasive Apple Snails
The Sixth Mass Extinction: fact, fiction or speculation?
Comparative biology of parasitic nematodes in the genus Angiostrongylus and related genera
KONBVC Maandvergadering zondag 14 april
Beste leden,
Nu zondag, 14 april, staat onze volgende maandvergadering op het programma. Anthonie van Peursen vergast ons op een uiteenzetting over de Europese Corbiculidae en zal ook assisteren bij het determineren van meegebracht materiaal. Duik dus zeker net als vorige maand in jullie laden, laat de prima gedetermineerde Phorcus van vorige maand rustig liggen, maar neem dus zeker jouw Corbicula mee. Ben je zelf vaak met Corbicula bezig? Dan ben je zeker de geknipte persoon om mee te helpen determineren!
Vorige maand vonden zelfs de meest doorgewinterde verzamelaars van Europese mollusca voor hen onbekende vormen en populaties en konden hun collecties uitbreiden door te ruilen. Misschien kunnen we ook deze maand een aantal toffe vindplaatsen in Corbicula aan onze collecties toevoegen!
KONBVC 33rd International Shell Show
Eén maand later, op 18 en 19 mei, staat onze beurs op het programma. Zondag is dus ook de laatste kans om affiches en flyers mee te nemen en deze te verspeiden. Vorige maand lanceerden we al een oproep naar helpende handen toe onder de aanwezigen op de maandvergadering, maar we doen dat ook graag via deze weg voor wie er zondag niet kan zijn. Wil jij op vrijdag 17 mei mee helpen opbouwen, tijdens de beurs meehelpen aan vb inkom, stand van de vereniging, algemene organisatie of op zondag na de beurs helpen opruimen: laat dan zeker iets weten aan iemand van het bestuur. Dat kan ook door eenvoudig te antwoorden op dit bericht.
In bijlage ook nog eens de flyer/poster voor de beurs, die je misschien kan doorsturen aan verzamelaars, vrienden en familie of via jouw sociale media verspreiden: alles helpt om onze beurs verder uit te bouwen!
Hopelijk tot zondag!
Het bestuur
33rd International Shell Show
"Sporthal Kattenbroek", Kattenbroek 14, Edegem, Belgium
Saturday 18 May 2024: 10.00-18.00 h.
Sunday 19 May 2024: 10.00-15.00 h.
Poster Affiche 33rd International Shell Show
Do you have Triodopsis Issue samples? 2024-05-07
Dear Molluscalist Members,
My name is Giovanna Omura, I'm a PhD student at the University of North Carolina and I am writing to reach out to the mollusk research community. I am currently working on a research project investigating the phylogeny of land snails belonging to the genus Triodopsis using mitogenome skimming.
For this project, I am actively seeking collaborators who may have tissue samples from Triodopsis species deposited in collections or who are willing to donate fresh tissue samples.
If you have any existing Triodopsis tissue samples or can collect new samples for this project in your region where there is a Triodopsis, I would be very grateful for your contribution. I am also open to discussing potential research partnerships with anyone interested in collaborating on this project.
Please feel free to contact me at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. if you have any Triodopsis tissue samples available or if you would like to discuss potential research collaborations.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Giovanna Y. S. Omura (Ms.)
PhD Candidate in Bioinformatics and Genomics
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
9331 Robert D. Snyder Rd, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA
Mollusk session @ PalGes 2024, Warsaw 2024-09-16-21
Dear colleagues,
The 2nd circular for the PalGes Meeting in Warsaw, September 16-21, 2024, is now online:
As announced earlier, we are planning a session on Advances in mollusk paleontology, covering a broad range of topics on all molluscan classes. We are pleased to inform you that registration is open now, the deadline for abstract submission is July 15, 2024. For further information, please consult the circular and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to receiving many interesting contributions and seeing you in Warsaw!
Kind regards,
Alexander Pohle, Baran Karapunar, Thomas A. Neubauer, Aleksandra Skawina
Session organizers
Thomas A. Neubauer, PhD. habil.
SNSB - Bavarian State Collection for Paleontology and Geology
Richard-Wagner-Straße 10
80333 Munich
Phone: 0049 (0)89 2180 6541
Editor for phylum Mollusca at https://molluscabase.org/
Steering committee member of the World Register of Marine Species
The webpage text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
International Organisations News
2024-11-24-28 Molluscs on the Edge Conference, 24-28 Nov 2024
- 2024-09-16-21 Mollusk session @ PalGes 2024
2024-09-15 >> 20 EUROMAL 2024
2024-05-28-31 European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
- 2024-05-07 Triodopsis Issue
2024-05-18-19 33rd International Shell Show
2024-04-10 KONBVC Maandvergadering zondag 14 april
2024-03-22 New issue of Tentacle now published
2024-03-14 Looking for Haliotis asinina
2024-03-05-06 >>> Limpets 2020 (+4) meeting
2024-02-20 Limpet meeting
2024-01-03 Mollusc of the Year 2024
2023-12-31 Deadline for the next issue of Tentacle
2023-12-31 Deadline for the next issue of Tentacle
2023-12-11 FWGNA Volumes 5 - 7 now available!
2023-12-11 Mollusca Brazil
2023-12-06 Malacologist Position with USDA, NIS
2023-11-30 Molluscan microbiomes online open symposium
2023-11-12 Two PhD positions in the Wanninger Lab
2023-11-11 EMBO Workshop on Establishing genomics
2023-10-20 Books on Malacology
2023 Autum Friday Harbor Labs Fall Programs
2023-05-20-21 Shellshow Verkeersproblemen
2023‐05-20-21 Shell Show Antwerp (Edegem)
2023-04-30 Save the MNHN collections!
2023-02-12 Antiquariaat Schierenberg
2023-02-16 Chama pellucida - specimen request
2023-02-09 Senckenberg Global Fellowships deadline
2023-02-09 2400-Years-of-Malacology
2023-02-01 Malacological Society of London membership 2023
2023-01-30 Call for PhD students in Snail Taxonomy
2022-12-31 Deadline for the next issue of Tentacle 31 December 2022
2022-11-28 Malacological Society of Australasia 28th November – 1st December 2022
2022-11-19 Passing of Alan Kohn
2022-11-17 The Malacological Society of London Thursday 17th November 2022